SIXTEEN- Coffee and kicking

14 1 0

Harry Styles

The beautiful sun shines down on our table as we wait for our coffee to be served. "So Harry, what have I missed? Fill me in, it's been a while." Elliot asks with a smirk, crossing one leg over the other.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Well let's see." I start off.

"I moved in with Twyla and Liam, my place of work got broken into, Liam wants to move again, I ran into Nick, I have a crush on a celebrity, and I cashed the cheque from grandma." I tell him all in one go.

Elliot's eyes widen at my words. "Woah there, one thing at a time. I knew about the first two, but Liam? What happened with that?" He asks sincerely.

I take a deep breath before speaking. "We were drunk and he mentioned the thought of you know who being the suspect. And now Liam wants to move."

Elliot expels a quick breath. "I can see where he's coming from but he's still in Seattle. No?" He asks with a quirked eyebrow.

I lean back in my chair. "He is, but Liam thinks that considering we even thought he did it to begin with is all the reason to move." I explain to him.

"Harry I don't-"

"Don't worry I shot him down. I'm not going anywhere." I reassure him with a smile.

"Good." Eliot says with a smile. "I've missed my big brother."

"Ehh you can't get rid of me that easily." I tell him swatting my hand. "Trust me, you're gonna get sick of me now that you're here to stay."

Eli works as a CEO for some high end technology company. He's tried to explain it many times to me but I gave up on trying to understand.

His headquarters is based out of the east coast of America, but last week he got the green light to transfer to the London branch after he found out his wife was pregnant.

Elliot laughs and shortly after our waiter comes by with our drinks. "Large black hot coffee?" He asks. I raise my hand slightly and he gives us both of our respective drinks.

I take a sip and set it down on the table. "I don't know how you can drink that stuff." Elliot says gesturing to my drink. I roll my eyes and take another sip.

"Okay." Eliot claps his hands before rubbing them together. "That's one out of three. What's next?" He and getting comfortable in his chair.

"Don't you mean out of four?" I try to correct.

"What's more to you cashing in your inheritance? We all had to do it eventually, it's self explanatory. Moving on." He draws out before taking a sip of his over sugared iced coffee.

"Fine then, here's something interesting." I tell him crossing my arms and my legs as I lean back into my chair. "After I had a drink with Niall Horan, I ran into Nick at a bar and spilt wine on him." I smile as a I recall the pissed off look on Nicks face as the red liquid stained his clothing.

Elliot reaches across the table and high-fives me. "Damn Har, I always forget how much of a badass you can be." I playfully shrug my shoulders and give him a smile.

"Also how the hell did you manage to get a drink with Niall? I know he ate with us at the mall but I didn't know you guys were mates." He asks backtracking. "I ran into him at a lobby of some high-end flat and he asked me if I wanted a drink."

"Har, what the hell were you doing at a high-end flat?" He says with a flabbergasted expression.

I let out a fake cough and stare at the ground trying to suppress a smile. "Self explanatory innit?" I joke, looking back at Elliot to see him roll his eyes.

His eyes go wide at the realization and he takes a sip of his coffee "Yeah- right- yeah... uhh moving on." He rests his hands on the table and interlaces his fingers.

"So about the crush of yours." It's my turn to roll my eyes and I have to concentrate on not blushing.

"There's this regular we had, well have this regular who comes in and usually talks with Twy. But one day she told me that he didn't have an ID so he used his Google page-"

"Oh please, anyone can have a Wikipedia page." Elliot says brushing off my statement before drinking his coffee.

"Nope, Google. Not Wikipedia." I say with a slight smile. "Meaning he has to have some sort of an active status." I tell him with my pointer finger waving in the air.

A smirk finds it's was to Elliot's lips. "Well what's this lads name?"

"Eli, no." I say sternly quickly shutting down his proposition.

He holds his hands up in his defense. "Hey I never said I'd look him up, I just asked for the blokes name." He gives me a cheeky smirk before siping his coffee.

"Oh please." I roll my eyes, knowing that if I told him a full name the second he got in the car he'd look him up.

"First name at least?" Elliot tries with a cheesy smile.

"Fine." I state crossing my arms. "Louis." I say mumbling.

It feels weird to say it out loud. To admit it. To tell someone I'm interested in a man I've barely spoken to and who probably already forgot I exist.

"L-o-u-i-s or L-o-u-i-e?" He spells out raising an eyebrow.

I scoff. "You said you weren't going to look him up." I take a sip of my coffee that has significantly cooled off by now. "But the first one." I mumble into the lip of the cup.

"Is it the bloke you were next to at the shopping center?" He questions sitting up straighter with a look of excitement in his eyes.

I slam my hand on the table and rise to my feet. "Right then, nice speaking to you."

"Harry Styles, you better sit your arse right back down." Elliot says fighting through his laughs.

I huff out a breath and swallow my dignity before I sit. "You do know that if you want your secrets hidden, you should be a bit less dramatic right?" He jokes.

I kick him under the table and flip him off. "Ouchie." He says in all seriousness, before leaning down to rub his shin.

"I can see why you'd be attracted to him. He's your type to a T." Elliot says.

"I don't have a type." I tell him crossing my arms.

"Lemme take a guess- fucking rich, an asshole but in a kind way, creative, loud friends, freakishly hot- do you want me to keep going?"

I stare at him in realization. I do in fact have a type, and my type is Louis Tomlinson.

"Well then, I take your silence as agreement." He says with a shit eating grin. Once again, I kick him under the table. "Fucking hell man." He says leaning down to touch his ankle before kicking me.

"Oww you prick." I wince before kicking him for a third time. Elliot rolls his eyes before kicking me once again.

"You cunt that hurt."

For good measure, I kick him again. It's only fair.

I can see anger in his eyes as he reaches his hand across the table but stops when his phone rings.

"You lucky bastard." He says laughing before picking up his phone and answering his call.

I lean back in my chair, crossing one bruised ankle over the other, wincing at the slight pain and taking a long sip of my coffee as I stare into the slowly setting sun.


I wasn't planning on updating today but then we got the Louis + Eleanor bua so I decided why not.

Remember to feel free to vote and comment but most importantly- stay safe and TPWK <333

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