Part 1

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~~ YN'S Pov ~~

Here I'm standing Infront of the man which I hate the most .

Kim Taehyung .

The son of the person who kills my Father , my only family . And the most hurtful thing was I was so small that I couldn't save my Father . But now I'll take revenge . After all I shouldn't waste my skills that I've received these years .

Finally he fell in my trap and agreed to marry me . ( Smirk)

Yn came out from her thought when her uncle called her .

Yn/ Uncle : Yn !! Dear are you sure you want to marry him ?

Yn : Yes Uncle . ( Fake smile )

Uncle smiled at her and shaked his hands with Mr. Kim .

Taehyung gave a smile to Yn which she returned with a fake one .

Yn ( In mind ) : Soon you're gonna regret it . You fucking asshole!!!

Yn then went away from there .

Taehyung ( In mind ) : Now my lady will be officially mine . ( Smirk )

Taehyung then gave a smirk to his father which he returned .

Yn / Uncle : Then Mr. Kim after two weeks the marriage will be held .

Mr. Kim : Ok .

Then they went away .

Yn came to her room with a loud bang .

Yn took his father's photo and a tear escaped from her eyes .

Yn : Appa !! Your daughter is now ready for your revenge . Now she's no more child . She's more strong and powerful woman . Don't worry Appa . I'll make them suffer till their end .

|| Flashback ||

Yn/ Dad : Yn !! My princess !! Where are you ?

Little Yn came outside hearing her Dad's voice .

Lil Yn : Appa !! I'm here !!!

She said and hugged her Father tightly .

Lil Yn : I missed you Appa . How was your work ?

Yn / Dad : Your superhero win this time also .

Little Yn's eyes lit up hearing her Father's success .

Lil Yn : You know Appa !! I also want to be strong like you .

Yn's Father smiled.

Yn / Dad : Is that so ?

Yn nodded with a huge grin .

Yn / Dad : Ok then you should drink milk daily .

Lil Yn pouted .

Lil Yn : I don't like milk .

Yn / Dad : Then how will you become stronger my little princess .

Lil Yn : Isn't there any other option ?

Yn / Dad : Hmm !!! Let's make a deal if you drink milk I'll give you special training on my own .

Yn : Really . Thank you Appa . I'll promise . Deal .

The Father and daughter shaked hands while giggling but their happy moments didn't last long as they heard some gunshots .

Yn's Father's gaze turned dark .

Lil Yn : Appa !! W-what was that ?

Yn/ Dad : I think it's another work . Listen Yn carefully . You'll listen to Appa right ?!

Little Yn nodded terrifiedly.

Yn / Dad : You'll go and hide in your room . Don't come untill I say ok ???

Little Yn nodded as she knew how important her father work was .

She ran towards her room and after a few moments later the living room was messed up in a war .

But Infront of those people Yn's Father's gang was losing as they weren't prepared .

Soon all the men of Yn's Father gang were laying on the floor lifelessly .

Then they shoot Yn's Father . He fell on the floor .

The other gang went out .

Little Yn thought to come out hearing no more sound .

She was shocked yet terrified seeing the messy yet horror scene Infront of her . She knew her father's work was dangerous but this much dangerous she didn't know .

With her terrifying and shaking feet she was walking in a hope to find her father . Her tears were falling like a river .

Then her gaze fell on her father's figure which was shaking due to blood loss .

Lil Yn : Appa !!!

She bent down to her Father's level .

Lil Yn : Appa !!! Open your eyes . Appa !!!!

Yn /Dad : Y-yn !!! Princess !! Please d-don't cry . B-be strong d-dear !!! I'm S-sorry . I can't g-give you s-special training d-dear . you've to learn i-it on your o-own . Forgive your A-appa dear .

He was difficulties with talking as blood started coming from his mouth .

Lil Yn : W-who did this A-appa ? APPA ?! Please talk to me . You'll not go anywhere . I need you Appa !!! Appa !!

Yn/ Dad : Y-Yn !! T-take this.

He said giving a picture while Yn was crying .

Little Yn took the scrumbled pic .

Lil Yn saw her Appa closing his eyes . She didn't what to do as she was little back then .

Yn/Dad : Be strong my p-princess .

That's it . He took his last breath .

Lil Yn : Appa !!! Open your eyes !!! Appa !!

||| Falshback ended|||

Yn : Appa !!!

She woke up from her sleep while panting heavily as the worst moment of her life she saw in her dreams was more terrifying even after she became strong .

Then she opened the crumble pic which her Father gave her . It was a pic of Mr. Kim.

Her doubt became clear when she saw Mr. Kim Infront of her house holding a gun with lots of men . But luckily she went away with her Uncle that night before Mr. Kim could capture her .

Yn : I'll kill them as soon as I'll get the chance . I'll make you feel betrayed . Just wait and watch Kim .

Her eyes was of full of raze and heart was full of hatred for Taehyung and Mr. Kim .

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