Part 10

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Taehyung was half lying on the bed while Yn was wiping his body with a wet towel .

It's been two days since last the incident  happened . Yn tried her best to care for him .

Taehyung saw the changes in her . He couldn't but fell harder for her.  But he decided not to give her chance that easily . Well he was hurt tho by giving her silent treatment.

Taehyung was admiring her and Yn was carefully doing her job . Soon she finished with that and sat beside Taehyung.

Yn : Can I borrow some moments to talk with you ?

Taehyung : Tell . ( Coldly )

Yn's heart ached at his cold behaviour. Now she realized how much she hurted him by her behaviour in those previous days . Only if  she could turn back the time and fixed all the problems .

Yn hold his hand softly .

Yn : I'm sorry Taehyung . I was helpless and raged by my father's death . I hurted you a lot . I know that . I shouldn't have done that . I'm sorry . Will you give me a chance ?. Please I need you by my side . Don't l-leave me .

Taehyung was silent . Tears were visible in her eyes.

Taehyung : You want me to give you a chance .

Yn nodded looking down sniffing .

Taehyung cupped her cheeks and his gaze met with her teary ones .

Taehyung gently wiped her tears .

Taehyung : Don't cry . It hurts me . I'm sorry . I should've understand you . You went through a lot since childhood and I failed to understand you .

Yn shaked her head as a no .

Yn : You never did any mistakes . It was me who ignored your love and care . Everything I became blind by the revenge that I even didn't realize how much I hurt you by my behaviour. I'm sorry . Forgive me .

Taehyung smiled at her .

Taehyung : I love you .

Yn hugged him tightly and cried harder .

Yn : You're too good for me Taehyung . I'm lucky to have you . Please don't leave me .

Taehyung tightly wrapped his hands around her waist .

Taehyung : I won't ever think of leaving you . You're the most important part of my life . How can I let go such an important life from me. You're so precious .

Yn tightened her grip .

Yn : I love you too . Also you  made me fall for you in those days . But I was so dumb to control my feelings . I'm sorry I didn't love you back then . But I promise to love and care for you truly . I don't want to hurt my love ever again .

Taehyung chuckled at her childish behaviour.

Taehyung : I didn't know My fluff is this much cute .

Yn whined staying in his embrace .

Mr. Kim : Ahem ahem !!

They both startled at the sudden voice and pulled away from each other. : You should at least close the door .

Taehyung : Appa !!

He whined at the tease. 

Yn looked down embarrassed .

Mr. Kim : By the way not to invade your privacy but are you both good now ?

Taehyung : Yes Appa .

He said smiling at Yn . Yn also smiled back . It was a genuine one .

She felt happy after so many years . Looks like all burden had got down from her heart .

Yn then looked at Mr.Kim and went to him .

Yn : I'm sorry Appa . I wasn't in my sense back then . I hurted you and Taehyung so much . Please forgive me . smiled at him and patted her head .

Mr. Kim : It wasn't your mistake dear.  It's just  the situation made you like that . Now be happy with the future .

Yn smiled at her .

Yn : I'll try to be the best daughter in law .

Mr. Kim : But I want you to be the best daughter for me .

Yn smiled and hugged him . He also hugged her back giving a fatherly hug .

Yn felt father's love after a long time .

Yn : Thank you  Appa for everything .

Mr. Kim chuckled . But they soon heard a huffing sound and they looked back and saw the sulky Taehyung pouting angrily .

They chuckled .

Mr. Kim : Let's go Yn . We should eat dinner now .

He said to tease the sulky bear more .

They were about to leave but

Taehyung : Yahhh !!! How can you forget this sick poor human huh ?

They chuckled .

Taehyung : Appa !! Leave my wife here and go eat with your loyal bodyguards .

Yn : No I think I should eat with my Appa . Appa let's go .

Taehyung looked away pouting angrily .

Yn indicate Mr. Kim to go .

Mr. Kim went away smilingly .

Taehyung wasn't looking at them . Yn slowly went near her and gave a quick peck on his cheeks and ran towards the dining room giggling .

Meanwhile poor Taehyung was still processing what was happening . A shy smile crept on his face while heart beating like crazy .

Taehyung : My poor heart !!!

~~~~ After one month ~~~~

Taehyung was fully recovered now . He was waiting for this chance for a long time .

Yn came to the bedroom after taking a warm shower .

She was drying her hairs when two cold arms sneaked in her shirt .

She felt goosebumps around her body .

Taehyung put his head on her neck leaving some wet kisses .

Yn : T-taehyung !!

Taehyung turned her around and pinned between the wall .

Taehyung : May I ?

Yn nodded and He smiled widely .

Soon after 1 year they welcomed a baby of their own . Their little princess . Afterwards they welcome one by one baby of their own and they lived happily with their five children afterwards .

~~~~~~~~~ Happy Ending ~~~~~~~

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