Part 3

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|| Wedding Day ||

After the ceremony , they were heading home when some cars attacked them .

Yn : Shit !! Taehyung !! Drive the car fast  and told everyone to cover our car .

Taehyung nodded and immediately commanded his bodyguards . Soon their cars were surrounded by many cars .

Yn : Where's the gun ?

Taehyung : Under the seat .

Yn took the gun and opened the window .

Taehyung : What are you doing ?

Yn : I won't let those assholes go Alive .

Yn smirked and started  firing .

She shot directly the car engines of the enemies which caused the car to blust immediately as the gun by which she shot was special and only for mafias .

Yn sat back while huffing as it was difficult wearing a gown and fighting at the same time .

Soon they reached the mansion and got out from the car .

Mr. Kim : kids are you both ok ?

Taehyung : Yes Appa . After all your daughter in law is a fearless mafia .

Mr. Kim : Yes .

He said smilingly to Yn and Yn returned it with a fake one .

She didn't wanna smile but she had to as she didn't wanna create any doubt about  herself .

Mr. Kim got a phone call and went away .

Taehyung : See finally the tiger got her tigress .

Taehyung said pulling her closer which she hated .

Taehyung : So mrs. Tigress !! Should we go inside ?

Yn : Yeah I'm tired .

Yn pulled out from him and went inside .

Taehyung Chuckled .

Taehyung : So my tigress got shy infornt of her tiger .

Yn ignored him while rolling her eyes secretly and went inside the house .

|| Bedroom ||

Yn was taking off her jewelleries when she felt two cold hands around her waist . She looked at the mirror . There was standing the man with his half  naked body  only a towel was on his waist . Cold water was dripping from his hairs falling on her shoulder which caused goosebumps around her shoulder .

Yn : What are you doing ?

Taehyung : Why ? It's our first night right ? I'm doing what a husband should do .

Yn felt numb when he started giving wet kisses .

Taehyung stopped.

Taehyung : May I go further ?

He asked politely . She was shocked . But she took the chance .

Yn : To be honest . I don't want to do anything with you .

Taehyung's gaze was confused .

Yn : I mean I'm tired today after the incident .

Taehyung gaze turned normal understanding her situation .

Taehyung hugged her by her waist and ruffled her hairs .

Taehyung : It's ok . We can do it later . Now take some warm shower and sleep . You'll feel better .

He said and softly kissed her cheeks .

Unknowingly a red crimson colour appear on her cheeks . She was flustered who would not .

But then realization hit her like a truck .

She pulled away and nodded before going towards the bathroom.

Taehyung chuckled .

Taehyung : My baby tigress .

Yn came from the shower and laid down on the bed . She didn't notice Taehyung as she was truly tired .

Then Taehyung pulled her closer while backhugging her .

Taehyung : Good night Tigress .

Yn ( In mind ) : Goodnight will Soon be bad night Mr.Tiger . Just wait and watch . After some days how regret you'll feel . I'll make you and your father suffer till your death . Having fun after destroying a girl's whole childhood , you'll pay for it .

Then she slept as she didn't have any choice other than sleeping like this .

|| Morning ||

Yn woke up when she felt ticklish around her neck area when she opened her eyes she saw Taehyung snuggling in her neck .

Yn got shocked and immediately jerked up from there which caused Taehyung to open his eyes in shock .

Taehyung : What happened ?

Yn : No nothing .

Yn said and left to do her morning routine leaving a dumbfounded Taehyung .

After some times , they both came to living room when they saw Mr. Kim dressed up in a formal suit .

Taehyung : Are you going somewhere ?

Mr. Kim : Yes . I'm going to Paris for some works . You both take care .

Listening this Yn frozed she thought in those days she would kill him and his son .

Yn : When you will arrive Appa ?

Mr Kim gave a soft smile and said .

Mr. Kim : After 7 days princess .

Yn gritted her teeth secretly cause she didn't want him to call her by the nickname her dad gave her .

Yn gave a fake smile to him.

Yn : Take care Appa . Be safe .

Yn ( In mind ) : Cause you can only be harmed by me .

Mr. Kim Patted her head and said Taehyung strictly .

Mr. Kim : Don't you dare to annoy her otherwise ---

Teahyung : I know Appa before you , she will eat me alive .

Yn :  Thats true !!

She said unbothered .

Mr. Kim chuckled and Taehyung glared at her jokingly .

Then Mr. Kim went away .

Yn ( In mind ) : Now till 7 days , I'll make him suffer . Then kill him with his Appa .

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