Part 2

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~~ Yn Pov ~~

Here I'm with my so called wedding shopping . Of course he forced me to come . Why not ? He didn't know anything but forcing anyone .

Taehyung : Yn !! From where you will shop ? Gucci or Dior or Chanel ?

Yn : Anything is fine . ( Unbothered )

Taehyung : Are you sure you want to marry me ?! Why are you look so unbothered .

Yn : Why ? You've any problem if I stay calm .

Taehyung : No . I mean you don't have any excitement about your marriage . Every girl feels excitement.

Yn : I'm not like everyone . I'm different. I would like if you know the information about me .

Yn said calmly .

After this silence took over the place .

Taehyung : Ok then . I'll take you to Gucci as you're fine with anything .

Taehyung sighed and went towards Gucci showroom .

As soon as they entered everyone greeted them respectfully as they were the fearless mafia . And all the generals fear them . One single mistake and their body would lay down on the floor lifelessly .

Stuff : Good morning sir and madam . Please come this way .

They knew they  came there for their  wedding shop so they decided to take them  towards the bride collection directly .

Taehyung sat on the couch and Yn went to select her dress .

Taehyung : Did something happen to her ? A Few days ago she was fine . Now what happened ?

Taehyung was worried about her behaviour as he was in love with her from a very long time .

A few months ago he met her  during the party of the Mafia king in which both Yn and Taehyung was invited. The first moment his eyes fell on her and he fell in love . Maybe love at first sight or something else like that .

Here Yn was confused though she wasn't interested but it was a grand marriage where all the mafias would present . So she had to look presentable .

She was in her thoughts she felt a tap and without flinching she looked around with a dark gaze as none dare to touch her without her permission.

But her gaze became normal . Cold as usual when she saw Taehyung .

Taehyung : Hard to choose ?

Yn nodded .

Yn ( In mind ) : I wish Appa was here . I wouldn't have to do something like this shit .

Taehyung : Let me choose for my fiancee .

He said in his deep voice which could send shivers down to everyone's spine but not Yn's one as she got the strong and already cold one ( Lmao ) .

Yn : Are you sure ?

Taehyung : If your father was here then he would choose this one .

He said showing her a white long dress which was gorgeous and full sleeves with flower surrounding the whole dress .

Yn : How do you know ?

Taehyung : It's my sixth sense . Ofcourse you father will want to see you like a princess . So I select  the one which will  make you look like that .

Taehyung smiled softly at her . She looked away .

Taehyung : Pack this . ( Cold deep voice )

He said to the stuff . Then he also selected a white suite which matched the dress that Yn bought .

Yn : If the shopping is done . I'll go .

She was about to go but Taehyung hold her hands and pulled her closer . She was shocked.

Yn : What are you doing ?

Taehyung : why ? You're my fiancee . I've rights to pull you closer to me .

Yn : We're not married yet .

Taehyung : We will in three days .

Taehyung cupped her face with his one hand and other was holding her waist tightly not to let her go.

Taehyung : What's wrong ? Are you ok ?

Yn broke the hug and said .

Yn : Yes I'm ok . I have to go . Some important work I've left on my way .

Taehyung didn't force Yn as he thought she might feel uncomfortable.

Taehyung : Ok . Should I drop you ?

Yn : No thanks . My guards already sent my car here . I'll go now .

Taehyung nodded and Yn went away .

Taehyung sighed .

Taehyung : She might be tired .

He was fearless but not heartless. Indeed he talked coldly to others and rough with his enemies but he was softer more than a fluff plushie for his closed ones . That's why he was worried for her as he Cherised and loved also adored her for a long time now .

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