Part 9

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The bullet directly hit Taehyung's stomach .

Taehyung fell down .


They turned around and saw Her uncle shot the bullet .

Mr. Kim gritted his teeth and shot a lot of bullets at him .

Yn : Taehyung wake up !!

Taehyung hissed .

Taehyung : I-its ok !! I-I'm strong !! I'm just t-tired . I want some sleep .

He slowly closed his eyes .

Yn : Taehyung !!! Wake up !! Don't close your eyes . Yahh !! Wake up .

Yn's eyes filled with tears because she wasn't ready to lose another person  as she was  loved by the same person .

Mr. Kim : Let's take him to mansion first .

Soon they reached mansion and doctor came after a while .

Doctor started operation after taking all the preparations .

Doctor came and Yn rushed towards him .

Yn : How's he doctor ?

Doctor smiled .

Doc : He's fine now . He will be awake after few hours.

Yn nodded .

Yn then went inside and saw he was sleeping peacefully with lots of wire attached his body .

Yn sat beside and hold his hands .

Yn : Wake up soon. I want you . I'm sorry for my behaviour. But I was helpless . I didn't have anyone . It's my fault. I should at least make clear everything with you . But I decided to betray you when you're not involved with those things . It's my fault . I promise I will make it up for you . I hope you'll forgive me .

Tears were escaping her eyes .

She started crying holding his hands .

Soon she slept as she was tired .

Mr. Kim was seeing all these by standing outside the room and smiled sadly .

Mr .Kim : I hope they will be a beautiful couple .

He went from there .

~~~ Time skip ~~~

Taehyung opened his  eyes slowly .

He felt pain in all his body . He groaned slowly .

Then he noticed a figure holding his hands.

He smiled sadly remembering the way she acted . His mind was messed up .

He was angry , sad , happy and hurt .

All those mixed up emotion were tingling his heart .

He tried to ruffle her hairs .

But Yn moved indication she was about to wake up . He moved his hands from her and looked away .

She woke up and saw Taehyung already woke up .

She smiled at him but he didn't glance at her even once .

Yn ( In mind ) : I deserve it .

Yn sighed . Taehyung tried to sat but he failed .

Yn hold his arms and carefully made him sat on the bed .

She was so close . Taehyung's heart skipped a beat at her close sight .

Yn's heart was also skipping a beat .

Yn backed away .

Yn : Umm You wait . I'll be back .

Taehyung hummed and she went away .

Yn then came back after taking a warm shower and went downstairs.

After some times  later , Yn came back with a tray of food .

She went to the bed and sat beside him .

She took the porridge and wanted to feed him .

Taehyung : It's ok I can eat by my own . ( He said coldly )

Yn : But you're sick . Let me do this .

Taehyung : Dont force yourself to do anything out of guilt . I can eat by my own .

Yn : But ----

Taehyung : You should take rest .

Taehyung took the bowl .

Yn sighed .

Yn : I'm sorry . I should've talked you about this matter .

Yn looked down .

Taehyung : I don't want to talk about those matter .

He said looking away .

Yn sighed .

She decided to give him some space .

She went away from there .

Taehyung sighed frustratedly.

Taehyung : What should I do ?

Then Mr. Kim entered .

Mr. Kim : Taehyung !! How are you feeling now ?

Taehyung : Good Appa !!! sat beside Taehyung said .

Mr. Kim : You should give her a chance . She was helpless . Just keep yourself in her place . You will understand . She is feeling so guilty and her anger was right . Seeing her father's death Infront of her eyes at a very young age traumatized her . Try to give her a chance . Love her again like you used to do .

Taehyung : I'll try Appa .

Mr .Kim nodded and went away .

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