Part 6

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Just like that 5 days passed .

As usual Yn behaved rude with Taehyung and Taehyung kept on going smooth .

He behaved softly with Yn and stayed in his limit when he sensed about her uncomfort . But still he just wanted to love her in which Yn wasn't giving any chance.

Taehyung tried his best to love and care for her .

But seemed like Yn didn't care about him .

But was that true ? Didn't Yn feel any sensation in her heart after having those love and care from him ?

At that time she could just wished him to not to be his father's son . But she couldn't ignore the reality .

She was shocked how he made her comfortable and feel secured and loved only by staying with him for some days !!!

She just pressurised her feelings not to take over her whole mind and heart .

She didn't want anything to come between her revenge .

When she felt any weird tingling sensation in her mind by Taehyung's action , a flashback of her father's death came across her mind and that's it she just would alert her mind not to feel anything towards him .

At first she didn't care , but as time passed her heart ached even through the slightest pain of Taehyung .

But she hated herself for that and controlled herself afterwards .


Again a dream , her nightmare .

Yn : Appa !!!!

She screamed .

Panting heavily she sat on her bed .

Yn : This is the last day of you and your son's , Mr. Kim .

She was breathing heavily and tears started to escape her eyes . Her silence turned into little loud sobs .

Yn : I'm not weak . I'm strong .

She continuously was wipping her tears. That's when the door bursted open .

There comes the worried male figure . Her husband .

Taehyung : Yn !!

He came hurriedly and cupped her cheeks .

Taehyung : Fluff what happened ?

Yn tried not to show her face . But failed as the scene of her Father's death and the care of Taehyung was roaming around her mind .

She looked at Taehyung with tears . She lost it .

Her little sobs turned into loud ones .

She couldn't control herself but to let go .

Taehyung got more worried to suddenly see her like that .

He didn't think anything hugged her tightly . He started to ruffle her hair to comfort her .

She put her head on his chest and cried harder .

Taehyung : Shh !! Calm down . It was a bad dream . It's ok . You're my tigress . You're strong remember. Calm down Fluff .

Taehyung kept saying sweet words . Feeling warmth she slept .

Feeling no sound and movements Taehyung looked down and saw her sleeping figure .

Taehyung slowly layed her down and tugged her in the blanket .

Taehyung kissed her forehead.

Taehyung : I don't know what you see in your dreams but I'll make sure to forget about that .

He last time ruffled her hairs and went away .

|| Morning ||

Yn woke up while having slight headache as she cried last night a lot.

She squeezed her eyes to adjust with light .

Then a flashback of last night hit her mind and her eyes widened .

She cursed at herself for not controlling herself in front of him .

Yn : How will I face him now ? Shit !!

Yn groaned feeling frustrated . Soon her lonely morning got disturbed by a knock on the door .

Yn : Who's that ? ( Coldly )

Taehyung : Me !!

Taehyung then came in and sat beside her .

Taehyung hold her hand softly .

Taehyung : Are you ok now ?

He said smiling softly at her .

While she just felt awkward and pulled her hands away .

Yn : I'm fine .

She was avoiding his gaze .

Taehyung : I know you're strong but it's ok if you let your emotions sometimes . That'll not make you weak . Don't feel embarrassed. I'm always here with you for your comfort .

Taehyung said leaving Yn speechless .

Yn : I should get change .

Taehyung nodded and went away.

Yn : This feelings !!! Today is your last . Those shitty feelings will fade away along with the person .

She set her mind not to distract with anything that'll not let her to take her revenge .

She got changed and came down to see Mr. Kim sitting on the couch .

Seeing Yn , Mr. Kim flashed a smile .

Mr. Kim : Hello Dear !! How are you ?

Yn : I'm fine Appa . How's your work ?

Mr. Kim : It's great as always .

Yn rolled her eyes secretly.

Mr. Kim : This brat didn't annoy you right ?

He said indicate to the male sitting beside who just whined at his Father's question .

Yn : If he had done then he would be in the graveyard till now .

Mr. Kim laughed at the thought of this serious one as a joke .

Meanwhile Taehyung felt weird at the sudden boldness of Yn .

Yn : Btw Appa did you eat your breakfast ?

Mr . Kim : No . I just arrived now .

Yn : Then I'll make breakfast and then we'll eat .

Taehyung's face lit up as she didn't make anything for him as a typical wife except the Porridge last time .

Yn went to kitchen to make breakfast .

Mr. Kim smiled widely seeing his mafia daughter in law being a typical one . But he didn't know what was waiting for him and his son .

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