Part 5

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Yn woke up and went to the living room after her morning routine .

She was about to leave when Taehyung held her .

Yn : What ?

Taehyung : You didn't have your breakfast yet . Don't leave without having breakfast .

Yn : I'll have on my way to office.

Taehyung : I didn't make breakfast today . You can eat it .

Yn sighed at the stubbornness of Taehyung.

Yn : Did I show problems on eating your handmade breakfast ?. Why are making this an issue ?

Taehyung sighed at her bad tempered .

Taehyung : Ok . I'm sorry . Now let's eat breakfast . Shall we ?

Yn : I've important works I've to go now .

Taehyung's patience was fading .

Taehyung left her hand and said .

Taehyung : As you want .

He again went away leaving her behind .

She didn't know she was hurting Taehyung by her actions .

Maybe that's what she wanted to hurt him before killing him .

Yn : Faking care tho !!

She went away rolling her eyes .

Both Taehyung and Yn had a mission today .

But the mission of Taehyung was risky .

During the mission his rivals shoot his biceps . But at last he won .

He came back home with his guards .

Taehyung entered the house . But there was no trace of Yn . Maybe she was also busy in her mission .

Taehyung huffed heavily as the pain wasn't helping his stress to calm down .

Taehyung plopped on the couch still had many wounds untreated.

Yn entered the house frustratedly as the mission was frustrated more than anything else .

Then she noticed the wounded person .

She thought to care less . But in one corner of her heart was telling her to care .

She sighed and grabbed the first aid kit .

She sat beside Taehyung .

Feeling some movement beside him , Taehyung opened his eyes to see Yn .

He was tired to say something . But at the same time he was happy to see Yn treating him .

Yn disinfected his wounds softly not to hurt him more . Step by step she took out the bullet.

As a mafia they are trained to treat those wounds which were normal for the mafias .

Then she applied some ointments on the wounds of him .

After treating him , she thought to make some porridge to lessen the pain .

Unknowingly she was caring for him . Her heart wasn't agreeing with her mind .

Her heart was telling her to take care of him but her mind repeatedly remind of her revenge .

But at the last she listened to her heart and thought to care for him at least once maybe .

Yn entered the kitchen . Even though she was a mafia she could cook . Mafias also trained to make food in some point . But those who were clumsy like your author nim , couldn't cook even after a whole year of cooking course .

Yn was cooking when two veiny hands wrapped around her waist . She immediately looked behind probably in a thought to attack the person but she calmed down seeing Taehyung softly smiling at her .

Yn : What are you doing here ? Take some rest . You need that .

Taehyung : Sorry but not sorry . I think having you in my arms would be a great rest for me . Can I borrow some moments with my wife ? . Please consider this one for this poor guy .

He asked with a puppy eyes .

Yn sighed even if her mind was telling no but her heart was telling yes for the offer .

Yn didn't say anything and focused on her cooking .

Taehyung smiled and tightened his grip placing his head on her shoulder sniffing her sweet scent .

Taehyung came here after feeling no presence around him .

He then looked towards the cooking and there his wife was cooking . And for him it was a pleasant scene to be seen .

He got up and headed towards . He couldn't control and backhugged her and that's how they ended up like that.

Taehyung : What are you making ?

Yn : Porridge.

Taehyung whined .

Taehyung : Why ? It's not tasty even if you make it more tastier.

Taehyung pouted against her shoulder .

Unknowingly she felt goosebumps feeling his lips brushed against her skin .

But she was pissed off at Taehyung's respond .

Yn : Don't eat if you don't want to get well .

Yn said coldly .

Taehyung : No . I'll eat . First you've made something for me how can I not eat it .

Yn : Chessy .

She mumbled .

Taehyung : Said something ?

Yn : Why would I ?

Taehyung : Ok .

Yn finsihed cooking and served Infront of Taehyung .

She was about to go when Taehyung interrupted her .

Yn : Now what ?

Taehyung : Please feed me . My right hand is injured .

Yn : Are you kid that I've to feed you ?

She said annoyingly .

Taehyung : Ouch ! See my right is injured . I'm helpless otherwise I wouldn't disturb you .

Yn sighed and continued to feed him .

Taehyung was admiring her while she was feeding him .

Soon she finished feeding and went away without giving any glance at Taehyung.

Meanwhile Taehyung who was observing her behaviours from two days was drowned into alot of stuffs to think .

Taehyung : Maybe she is feeling tired . She also doesn't like or love me . Maybe I'm not suitable for her . Is she regretting marrying me ? Am I feeling like a burden to her ? I should give her some times to adjust .

Taehyung sighed . He was hurt . Ofcourse giving your full attention to the person you love but the person didn't give you any reply or love you back hurts the most.

That's what Taehyung was feeling . He didn't know staying with the person he loved would be so difficult who didn't love him back .

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