Part 8

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And it was ....

Yn : U-uncle !!! widened his eyes .

Mr. Kim : What ?? Show me the video.

Yn turned the laptop towards Mr. Kim . It was really her uncle . Who helped her to grow up and collecting all the evidence and training all .

But at last he deceived her .

Yn : W-why ?!

Yn broke down Infront of them .

Yn : M-my whole life was a lie .

A sudden guilt rushed through her whole body .

How she behaved rude with Taehyung and Mr. Kim .

Taehyung's heart was aching seeing her broken state . But he also felt hurt when he came to know why she was treating him badly . And she married him for the revenge even without knowing the truth .

But who would tell him that she was helpless Infront of all those evidence that her  uncle showed her since childhood . : Yn ! You shouldn't broke down now . You should take your revenge . You do know now who's the main culprit .

Yn wiped her tears .

She stood up and untied them .

Yn : I'm literally sorry for my rude behaviour towards both of you .

She looked down .

Mr. Kim : It's ok dear . You were helpless . We should focus on our next mission which is my best friend's justice .

Anger and rage were seen in both of their eyes .

Mr. Kim : I'm sure he now came to know. We should take preparations before going to his mansion . I'll call my men . We shouldn't lose this one .

Yn nodded .

Mr. Kim left from there with guards as told to follow him leaving the couple behind .

Yn couldn't meet his eyes because of the guilt . How would she make it up for him after all of this ?

Taehyung was about to go when Yn hold his hands .

Yn : T-taehyung!! I'm S-sorry !!

Taehyung sighed and pulled out from her hold .

He didn't say anything and left from there .

Yn : Why my life is all messed up !

Yn shrugged of the matter thinking to fix it later . She decided to focus on the mission that she would go now .

Yn sighed gathering her all energy and strength.

~~~ Time skip ~~~

Now three of them were infront of Yn's uncle mansion .

They entered with their men .

There her uncle was sitting like a king wearing dirty smirk .

Uncle : Welcome Mr. Kim !!

Yn fisted her hand not able to control her anger .

Yn : You Bastard!! Why did you do that ? He was your brother .

She brusted Infront of her uncle .

Uncle : Correction !! Step brother .

Again she got shocked .

Uncle : Appa made him the mafia while me a businessman . I always wanted to be the mafia. But Appa gave him the position that I wanted . It wasn't my mistake that my Appa didn't provide his property equally . Your father had all leaving me nothing .

Yn : Only for the fucking property you killed my father and snatched my childhood , my only family .

Uncle chuckled bitterly.

Uncle : Why so angry !!! You're such a fool to believe me . Tell me how are you feeling now ? . Looks like you're most trusted Uncle turned to be your father's killer . How are you feeling living with your father's killer under the same roof ?

Uncle smirked .

Uncle : You're also a fool to believe all the fake evidence I showed you .

He smirked while saying hurtful words to Yn .

Mr. Kim : You bastard !! You should feel ashamed about taking advantage of an innocent child . You shameless bastard .

Her uncle scoffed and rolled his eyes .

Uncle : Tsk tsk !! Innocent my foot !!

Taehyung's patience was getting faded away .

Taehyung pointed his gun at him .

Taehyung : One more words and your head will be blown off by my hands .

He growled like a Tiger .

Seeing Taehyung's gun. All the men of Yn's uncle pointed gun at them .

Uncle : Let's play a fair game and see who win or lose . It's kill or be killed game . Let's start .

Soon the mansion became a war field .

One by one their men was blown off by the guns .

Now it was only , Taehyung ,Yn and Her uncle .

They smirked at her uncle .

Taehyung pointed his gun at him but Yn stopped .

Yn : Let me do the honour.

Yn said and shot at his stomach .

Yn : Die miserably .

Yn turned around but a gun shoot was heard . And ....

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