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When a devil falls in love,

It's the most hauntingly 

beautiful thing ever 🖤......

Next morning,

Author's pov  :-

It is a beautiful morning in paris  and our beautiful  female alpha yn is getting ready for her workout session. you can say that yn is very particular and strict when its comes to health she belive healthy life is wealthy life, just like health is wealth.

No matter what  when its come to her health she is very particular and going to gym and doing workout is her favourite thing. yn belive that no matter even if you are fat or skinny  living a healthy life is important eating healthy and stay healthy. And yn on the other hand is not to fat or to skinny. she  is on a curvy side she had small waist and thick thighs and little wide hips and she love it beacuse according to her  "Thick thigh supremacy" and she embrace her flaws with open arms. 

And yn feels that this so called beauty standard is bullshit as we all know  " No one is born ugly we are just born in judgemental  society"     , and we human only made this shit girls should be skinny and slim, if you are fat you are ugly  you should have long hair and big eyes plump lips big boobs and  small face and fair skin and  this list of this so called beauty standard  is go on. And yn belive that eveyone is beautiful no matter your height, age, gender, weight, skin colour no matter who and what you are just belive yourself and let other talk bullshit. and there is also a very famous quote " beauty holds in the eyes of a beholder". 

 And after wearing her gym outfit yn is ready for workout. And on ther other hand our male alpha already have scehdule of his beautiful luna that what she is going to do today and after reading the scehdule of yn andrew  also went to the gym for workout or you can say to admire his luna. and after seeing andrew going behind yn era also follow them and she felt jealous after seeing andrew trailing  after yn like a dog who is following his owner.

Time skip to gym,

Yn's pov:-

Here i  am my most favuorite place gym i loved going to gym doing workout it's like my comfort zone , people always point out like how i like to do intense and heavy workout and how i like to to do kickboxing and other activities like this but literally don't give a fuck about it and always do what ever the fuck i want and people going to judge you no matter what so fuck it.

While doing the workout i noticed the jerk is here and it's none other than mr. playboy andrew coll, ohhh god don't tell me he is following me i don't know why but i get this feeling he always stare at me and give a dark vibes and honestly it's kinda creepy but i'm not someone he can intidimate or scare beacuase i am lee yn the cold beauty queen and also a bitch so he better wtach out his moved. otherwise i will be his worst nightmare. 

And i also noticed this era is behaving really werid after coming to paris and meeting with that jerk she is acting weridly which kinda worrying me but i will talk to her later but the point is after meeting with that playboy is looked like she is lost in her own zone like eveything is disappear around her and lost in her thoughts. sometimes i think that she fell for that playboy like his so called sexy charm works on her and i kinda know that she have a crush on him i saw his photos in her room as well in the cabin but i never asked her because i know that she will tell me when she is ready but i know that  he is a playboy a fuckboy who change women like his clothes and by his action i don't think so he will fell for someone and i don't want her to get hurt because of her crush but i just hope for best but one thing is  that not every goodlooking people and face have a beautiful and good heart beacuse i always believe that never judge a book by it's cover .

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