Chapter 3

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Ranboo POV: (Slay?)
It was the next morning, well, it wasn't really morning. I slept until 11:45, so basically afternoon. I had my lunch/dinner date with Tom at 3, so i'm happy I didn't wake up late for that, at least. I can't wait to see his face when I take him to this new place! My bunny's gonna be so excited! I know he's not my boyfriend yet, so I shouldn't be calling him "my bunny" but I can't really help it! He gets so flustered when he talks to me, there's no way he doesn't wanna be mine! Not in a creepy way! It's not like I would own him or anything, just a loving way! Wait, a loving way? I don't love Tommy! Well, maybe a little but in like a friendly way! God I really need to get my mind off him. But I don't want to. I love thinking about him. Or just really like. Ah, screw it, i'm in love with Tommy! Not that i'm going to tell him that, it'd weird him out and he would hate me. I hate being like this, because I can't shower. I'm allergic to water, it gives me these nasty fucking scars that I hate. But my cousins a scientist or whatever she does, and she made this formula stuff that cleans me just as well. I used some of it, and picked out my outfit. Sometimes it's hard to find clothes that actually fit me, because i'm well, 7 feet tall. I just chose some black jeans, and a purple sweatshirt. Purples my favorite color, I couldn't tell you why, i've just always liked it. I bet Tommy would look good in purple! He would probably look good in any color, though. I bet he'd look good in one of my sweatshirts, too. Maybe I can take him out to watch the sunset after! And if he gets cold, he can borrow my hoodie. But i'm getting ahead of myself. The date has to actually go well first. I'm sure it will. Oh how cute Tommys gonna look in whatever outfit he wears! I bet he's gonna wear something really amazing! He always looks so cute in his little outfits. Tommy can dress a little feminine, like short-shorts or whatever but I really don't mind. It always looks so cute on him. I've lost track how many times i've stared at him. He has like, the perfect body. And im not just asking him out to fuck him! I really want to care for him! He deserves someone who's gonna be there for him. More than anything. I checked the time and it was.. shit! 2:45 already! How fucking long have I been thinking? I threw on my new outfit, ran to my car, and sped over to Tommy's apartment. I would've actually cried if I was late to pick him up. I went to knock on his door, and there he was! The perfect bunny, in the best outfit ever! He was wearing cute blue jeans, and this red t-shirt that he would definitely get cold in if we went to watch the sunset.

"Hey, bun! You look fantastic!" I said as soon as I saw him, and he immediately blushed and got all flustered. I took his hand, which was just small compared to mine, and lead him to the car. Was he even gonna like going out to this fancy new place? I'd rather just take him to the movies or something calm, but I really wanted it to be romantic! And I had some money to spare, either way, I hope Tommy likes it! That's whats important to me, more than anything. If my bunny's happy, then i'm happy. I really need to stop calling him 'my bunny', huh?

Tommy POV: (aka the gay bunny boy)
Ranboo looked so fucking perfect! Well, he always looks perfect to me. He had these fantastic jeans on and this purple hoodie i'd love to wear sometime. Wait what am I even thinking?

"Hey, bun! You look fantastic!" Is what I heard him say, and it was enough to make me blush. I really needed to get better at not getting so flustered. I tried to respond, but it really just came out as a string of stuttering. I probably sounded stupid. When Ranboo grabbed my hand though, I think my heart exploded. He lead me to the car, and I got in the passengers side. I don't understand how Ranboo makes me flustered with the simplest compliment or touch. How am I supposed to date him if I can barely talk around him? He started driving in a direction I haven't gone, to the.. restaurant area? This stuff was way too fancy for me! I didn't deserve this! If we went inside any of these places i'd get stared at! I started to tear up, and when I tried to wipe them away, I realized they were already gone. Huh? Ranboo wiped away my tears with his sleeve, looking at me a little worried and concerned. "You alright, bunny?" I heard him ask, and god his touch felt nice. I didn't want to ruin our date, so I just nodded. Though, I really wasn't alright. I was scared of being in these fancy places! I didn't deserve any of this. I'm just a weird, bunny-hybrid freak! Ranboo was trying to take me somewhere, and all I could do was cry. I couldn't even get out of the car! He clearly noticed I wasn't okay, and he pulled me into his lap. I fully broke down, crying onto his hoodie. He seemed careful not to get any on him, and I knew why. Ran told me he had a water allergy, and showed me his scars. He covered them up with something, every day, and I never understood why. He hates them, but I really don't. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ranboo saying something he definitely didn't mean to: "Shh, bun, it's alright, you're okay. We don't have to go in a restaurant, okay? I love you, and I just want you to be happy." Wait, did he just say he loved me? No, i'm just going crazy. He slapped a hand over his mouth, clearly realizing what he said.

"You.. love me?"

Ooh, gay people anyone? Yeah, it's kind of a shitty chapter but i'm like, sleep deprived so. Anyway, it was like 1061 words or something. No, this shit isn't proofread, and I barely plan on editing it. Anyway, bye? (no one reads this but yeah)

[DISCONTINUED] The only one I see • Tomboo/Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now