IX - Set up

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~ Eleven POV ~

It was the next day and Max had told me all about her plan to get Nancy and Robin together. I was actually really looking forward to some along time with Max and the date we had planned, but I guess that had to wait. Besides, this was fun too!

Max told me I needed to lead Nancy to the mall so she could do the same with Robin. We'd meet at scoops and from there on, we'd get them together and force them to come do fun things with us. Max said it would definitely work. I trusted her so I did what she said. I got Nancy to come with me, with a another lie that I needed advice from her for which clothes to wear for a date with Max and that she is like my sister so Id go to her for advice like that. The last part wasn't a lie, but it added to the story.

"So El what type of clothes are you thinking? A dress or something more casual?" Nancy asks me as we stopped in a store to make it more believable. "Uhm, something more casual I think. We are just going to the arcade and go out for pizza. Maybe grab a movie after. So I'd like something comfortable." I answer as realistic as possible. I did want to buy a cute outfit to put on for a future date with Max, so this trip wasn't a total lie.

"Alrighty, what about this combo? It's pretty cute." Nancy answers as she points over to a cute jumpsuit with jacket. "Not really my style." I answer as I scan the racks of clothes. "What about this? Its still a dress, but it's comfortable and you can wear it with a flannel shirt under it. You like that don't you?" Nancy smiles as she held up a dress. "That's pretty. I'll try it on." I smile at her as I take the dress and put it on in the fitting room. I still had 20 minutes to keep her busy.

When I change into the dress I smile at myself in the mirror. I liked it a lot. I stepped out to meet Nancy as she looks over at me. "You look amazing El! Very pretty." Nancy smiles as she looks at the dress. "I feel pretty too." I smile in return. "Then you should definitely get that El! Max will love that on you. You look great." Nancy kindly smiles. I nod in excitement. "I hope she will, I will keep it on for our date today." I smile as I gather my old clothes and go to the register to pay. "I'm pretty sure she will El. She's so in love with you. She'd find you pretty in anything." Nancy states as she walks along with me. "Do you have someone like that Nancy? Someone who can wear anything and you still find them pretty?" I ask, knowing the answer already, but I wanted to hear what she'd say. Her cheeks turn red as she looks at me. "I do." She admits as she avoids eye contact.

"Who is it?" I ask curious as I smile at her. "None of your concern sweetheart." She blushes as she joins me at the register. I chuckle softly as I nod and pay for my clothes. I thank the man at the register before I leave the store.

It was time to meet Max at scoops. I distract Nancy with a talk about her writing as I wasn't sure if they were already here. As we walk to scoops I look inside as I saw Max standing in front of scoops. Holding something behind her back. She was along. Where was Robin? Did she cancel? My gaze locked with Max's as I look slightly worried, but she nodded softly with a smile, like if it was a sign for 'no worries,. Nancy meets Max her eyes as she smiles brightly. "Hi Max." She greets Max as she smiles in return. "Hey Nance! Hi love." She smiles at me as she now fully sees me. Her eyes stare me up and down as they start to twinkle. "You look incredibly beautiful El. I love that dress on you." Max gazes at me as I step closer. We were in public so I couldn't kiss her, for the sake of being seen. But I really wanted to right now. "Thank you love." I smile at her. Max her hands appeared in front of her now as they held a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "I picked these out for you." She smiles at me as she hands me the flowers. "Max! That's so beautiful thank you." I beam of joy as I stare at the flowers. They are beautiful.

"Hey Max is El already here?-" we suddenly hear behind us, coming from the bathroom

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"Hey Max is El already here?-" we suddenly hear behind us, coming from the bathroom. It was Robin. Robin her eyes meet Nancy her eyes as they both awkwardly stand there, looking at eachother. "Hi- Robin. I didn't know you were going to be here." Nancy softly says as she looks at me and back at Robin. "Yeah- yeah! I uh didn't know you were going to be here either. Max asked me to help her pick out some flowers for El." Robin explains as she points to the flowers I held in my hand. "Oh, what a coincidence. El asked me to help her pick out an outfit for Max." Nancy looks at me and Max as she crosses her arms with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah. What a coincidence." Robin squints her eyes at us too. I look at Max as she tries her best not to laugh and to blow our cover. "Yes! What a coincidence, two minds think alike I guess. But now that you both are here, want to join us for some icecream?" Max states with hopeful eyes.

Robin nervously fiddles with her rings as she looks at Nancy. "I guess I could stay for some icecream." Robin softly spoke as she desperately hoped that Nancy would stay too, I could see the desperation in her eyes. Nancy stares at all of us in uncertainty. "Sure. Why not." Nancy gave in after all our puppy eyes. "Yay! Great. Let's go then, we have a long day ahead of us." Max smirks as she pulls along Robin as I did the same with Nancy.

"Wait I thought you said 'Just icecream'"Nancy states a bit panicked. "That's just where we start." I state proudly with a slight smirk on my face. "It's going to be a fun day, just give in already. I am not gonna let you leave now. You already said yes." Max states at Nancy as she looks a bit shocked. She was speechless, but just went with it. Because secretly, she didn't want to leave.


//AN: ending this chapter here, since I can then focus on their date with a whole separate chapter! Hope y'all like it!


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