Chapter 1

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*Unknown Location*

???: "What should we do your highness?"

???: "Put him In the bedroom next to mine, and wait till he wakes up"

???: "Yes your highness"

*Times Skip*

"Ugh..." "Huh? where am I?"

I looked around.

Huh... Guess I was not dreaming.

*Get's out of bed*

"I still have my phone with me?"

I looked at my phone happily.

"Well I guess listening to my favorite song wouldn't hurt"

"As the drum roll started on that day

Heard a hundred miles away
A million shells were fired
And the green fields turned to grey
The bombardment lasted all day long
Yet the forts were standing strong
Heavily defended
Now the trap's been sprung and the battle has begun 

Descend into darkness 

303 days below the sun 

Fields of Verdun, and the battle has begun

Nowhere to run, father and son
Fall one by one under the gun
Thy will be done (thy will be done), and the judgment has begun
Nowhere to run, father and son

Fall one by one, fields of Verdun"

*Time Skip*

As I walked out of the empty room I wandered around the hallway trying to find the exit.

Y/n (Thought): Where the hell is the exit!?? I've been wandering around for a few hours now!

???: "Hero! you're finally awake!"

Y/n: "Huh? Who are you"

???: "I am your personal maid sir hero"

???: "and my name is Jane. At your service."

Y/n (Thought): My personal maid?

Y/n: "You're my personal maid?"

Jane: "Yes sir hero"

Y/n: "well... I guess I'll introduce myself."

Y/n: "My name is Y/n, Y/n Wolfram"

Jane: "Ok Mr. Wolfram"

Y/n: "Please just call me Y/n. I don't mind"

Jane: "Yes Mr. Y/n"

Jane: "Now since you are awake! the Queen wishes to talk to you."

*Time Skip*

Here I am... in an unknown world going to meet the Queen. This feels like one of that Japanese manga that I used to read... what was it called??... Whatever. As I walk down the hallway with my "personal" maid whom I "totally trust" hehe, this day is just getting weirder and weirder.

Jane: "We are here Mr. Y/n"

Y/n: "O-oh ok!"

As I look up to see a Beautiful woman in her late 20s sitting on her thrown

As I look up to see a Beautiful woman in her late 20s sitting on her thrown

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Y/n: "U-um h-hello! My Q-queen"

Queen: "Oh hero! you have arrived!"

Queen: "I would like to ask you to help our world! We have been invaded by demons from the underworld! We ask you to please help us!"

Y/n: "U-um how can I help you? I don't know how to fight!"

Queen: "Every summoned hero would be given powers to survive in this world. But if you do not know how to activate your ability we can help you!"

I was confused. Do I have powers?? How is that possible?? oh, wait. I'm in a fantasy world, How did I forget that?

*Time Skip*

After that, I agreed to help this world from the demon lord's army. As I was sitting on the bed I began to look around, then I saw something in the corner of my eye. This feels like a video game. As I began to read my stats, this is what it says.

Name: Y/n Wolfram

Age: 15

Equipment: Highschool uniform, shoes

Ability: Able to summon soldiers, and vehicles, buildings. from the 1940-modern Era, Can summon any type of soldier from video games. For example nazi zombies, COD MW2, COD ww2, etc

Weaknesses: none

Limitation: can only summon 1940-1945 tech, can summon as many soldiers as you want

Damn, I'm too OP! damn, I have a limitation in tech. Well, at least I would not be able to cheat.

Ok, I will select what type of soldiers I want to summon tomorrow.











(To be continued)

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