Chapter 8

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As Y/n watched the airfields and bases near completion, he knew that it was time to discuss the next phase of their plan. To ensure the success of the counterattack on the demon realm, he needed to coordinate their efforts with Queen Hannah and her forces.

Y/n sent for Jane, his personal maid, who had been invaluable in gathering information and maintaining communication with the queen.

Jane: "Mr. Wolfram, Queen Hannah is waiting in her war room. She's eager to discuss the details of the upcoming operation."

Y/n: "Thank you, Jane. Let's not keep her waiting."

Together, Y/n and Jane made their way to the queen's war room, where a large map of their world was spread out on the table. Queen Hannah was already there, surrounded by her advisors and commanders.

Queen Hannah: "Y/n, I'm glad you could join us. We need to coordinate our efforts for the assault on the demon realm."

Y/n: "Of course, Your Majesty. We've made preparations on our end, and I believe it's time to discuss the combined arms attack."

The queen nodded, and Y/n continued, "Our Wehrmacht forces are prepared for the ground assault, supported by the Luftwaffe. We've also constructed airfields and military bases for our ongoing operations. But we need to synchronize our actions to maximize our chances of success."

Queen Hannah: "I agree. Our soldiers are battle-hardened, and your troops have shown their mettle. The key will be our timing and coordination."

Y/n: "Precisely. Here's the plan: as the Luftwaffe creates diversions and delivers precision strikes your forces, and mine will launch a coordinated assault on multiple fronts. We'll exploit the chaos and disarray in the demon realm to push deeper and dismantle their defenses."

German Officer: "Your Majesty, we'll lead the initial ground assault. Our tanks and infantry will create a breach, and the Luftwaffe will provide close air support. Once we've established a foothold, we'll advance further."

Russian Officer: "Our forces will focus on flanking maneuvers, ensuring the demons cannot regroup. We'll hit them from the sides, disrupting their lines of defense."

Queen Hannah: "And my forces will spearhead the central assault, focusing on key demon strongholds. We must make sure the demons are overwhelmed from all sides."

Y/n: "Excellent. Our combined arms approach will be our greatest advantage. We'll maintain communication throughout the operation to adapt to changing circumstances. And once we're inside the demon realm, we must press our advantage relentlessly."

As the leaders discussed their strategy, the room buzzed with anticipation. The fate of their world rested on their shoulders, and they were ready to face the challenge head-on.

The combined arms attack was meticulously planned, and Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of unity with Queen Hannah and her forces. Their coordination and determination would be the key to their success as they prepared to take the battle to the demon realm.

After their strategy discussion, Y/n decided it was crucial to ensure constant communication between their forces during the upcoming combined arms attack. He turned to Queen Hannah with a determined look.

Y/n: "Your Majesty, to maintain close coordination between our forces, I'd like to provide you with a radio transmitter. This way, we can communicate in real-time and adapt to the changing situation on the battlefield."

Queen Hannah: "An excellent idea, Y/n. Communication is key in a battle of this scale. We appreciate your assistance."

Y/n reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, portable radio transmitter, passing it to the queen.

Y/n: "This radio is set to our channel. If you need reinforcements or support, don't hesitate to contact us. We're in this together, and your safety and success are paramount."

Queen Hannah accepted the radio with a nod, acknowledging the significance of this gesture.

Queen Hannah: "Thank you, Y/n. We'll make sure to use it wisely. Now, with our plan in place and communication established, it's time to prepare our forces for the assault. Together, we will rid our world of the demon threat once and for all."

As the queen spoke, a sense of determination and unity filled the room. The radio symbolized their commitment to working together as they readied their forces for the most critical battle their world had ever seen.

The days leading up to the combined arms attack were a whirlwind of activity. The military preparations were in full swing. Columns of Wehrmacht soldiers, led by their officers, marched in disciplined formation, each step echoing their determination to reclaim their world. 

Behind them came the Waffen SS, their black uniforms a stark contrast to the gray of the regular army. Soviet forces, with their distinct uniforms and equipment, followed closely behind, their discipline matching that of their German counterparts. Massive artillery pieces, capable of delivering devastating blows to the enemy, were towed into position. Tanks, a formidable display of armored might, rumbled forward, their tracks shaking the ground beneath them. 

The Luftwaffe, with sleek aircraft lined up on the runway, was ready to take to the skies. The airfields and military bases constructed by Y/n's summoned troops buzzed with activity as planes were readied for takeoff.

As the columns of soldiers continued their march, the rhythmic thud of boots on the ground echoed through the vast field. The Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, and Soviet forces moved in unison, a display of unity rarely seen. The soldiers uniforms, a mix of German and Soviet attire, highlighted the unique bond that had formed between these two distinct groups. Each step was a testament to their shared purpose – to eradicate the demonic threat.

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