Chapter 3

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"Feind entdeckt!"                                                                                                                                             *Enemy Spotted!*


(Listen to the sound. only)

Demon leader: "Damn Humans!" 

Demon leader: "Charge and kill them all!"

As the battle continued, The summoned soldiers gained the upper hand every minute. The Germans were not showing mercy to the demons, *Chuckle* who would want to show them mercy? 

Y/n: "Hold your ground!"

I said that while defending the castle with my men. I took out my Luger and start firing at anything that moves that is not on our side. I turned to the side to see the queen and Jane standing there in shock, and some guards too. 

I looked at the guards.

Y/n: "What the hell are doing?! Don't just stand there! Defend the Castle!"

Guards and Knights: "Y-Yes Sir hero!"

As the guards went off to fight the demons, I went back to fighting the demons, but this time I have my favorite weapons. The Flammenwerfer!


As the flame was spewed out of my weapon if covered multiple demons in flame!

Demon leader POV:

W-what the... How can this be!! My troops are being slaughtered like animals! What are they... are they even humans? Ughhh...

"Fall Back!"

As he ordered the retreat, all the attacking demons who all have a very low moral cause of the failed attack irradicate the humans, and immediately retreated away from the enemy.

*Time skip*

As my troops begin to clean up the mess and dead bodies both allies and enemies, I, on the other hand, have a lot of explaining to do...

Queen: "Sir hero! How did you do that?!! What are those iron rods that shoot out some sort of invisible arrow!?"

Y/n: "My Queen, that is simply my ability."

Queen: "How is that possible!? When a hero is summoned they can only use elemental powers! and how were you able to summon those people!"

Y/n: "As I said, my Queen, it is only my ability to summon soldiers from my world from different time periods."

Queen: "O-Ok... So where are you going to station your,r troops?"

Y/n: "Well since I do not have a place for them to stay, and the castle is too small to station my troops. I would like you to give me private land outside of your castle for a temporary base."

Knight: "How dare you ask that from the Queen! You swine!"

The Knight said while drawing his sword.

Y/n: "I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

As I said that my troops all pointed their weapons at the Knights, While, I was pointing my Lugar at the Knight. Knowing how dangerous the hero's weapons are, he and the rest of the Knights lower their weapons.

Y/n: "That's what I thought. So, back to the topic my Queen."

Queen: "O-oh That's right. Yes, I will grant you some land outside of the castle wall."

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