Chapter 6

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The person was no other than Jane, my maid.

Jane: "Mr. Wolfram, I am sorry for barging into your office at this time."

Y/n: "Oh, I do not mind, Miss Jane."

Jane's expression was a mix of concern and urgency, her eyes darting around the room as if expecting hidden threats.

Jane: "We had gathered information from the demon army... and it seems they are not giving up yet."

Y/n's jaw tightened, his grip on the armrest of his chair showing the tension that had built up within him.

Y/n: "Tch... these damn pests... they shall be exterminated..."

Jane nodded, her gaze unwavering.

Jane: "They're growing bolder, Mr. Wolfram. Their numbers are increasing, and reports suggest that they've formed alliances with other malevolent entities."

Y/n leaned forward, his fingers forming a steeple as he contemplated the situation. The demons' resilience was unexpected, and their ability to forge alliances was concerning.

Y/n: "Tell me more about these alliances. Who are these entities?"

Jane produced a parchment from her pocket, unfolding it to reveal a hastily drawn map. She pointed to various markings on the map.

Jane: "These are the territories the demons have claimed, and these symbols represent the entities they've joined forces with. There are rumors of necromancers, dark sorcerers, and even rogue warlocks lending their power to the demon army."

Y/n's eyes narrowed as he studied the map. The entities marked on it represented a dangerous array of dark forces, each capable of inflicting their brand of havoc.

Y/n: "We can't face them head-on if they're united like this. We need to disrupt their alliances, weaken their forces, and create division among them."

Jane: "Agreed, Mr. Wolfram. But how do we proceed? Their combined strength may be overwhelming."

Y/n leaned back in his chair, his mind racing. He was no stranger to devising strategies, but this situation was complex and required finesse.

Y/n: "We need to exploit their weaknesses. Find out what drives these entities—what they fear, what they desire. If we can turn them against each other, we'll have a chance."

Jane nodded, her expression determined.

Jane: "I will gather intelligence, Mr. Wolfram. We'll find their weaknesses and use them to our advantage."

Y/n: "Good. Also, make sure our defenses are bolstered. I don't want any surprises. And inform the troops to be on high alert."

Jane: "Of course, Mr. Wolfram. We shall not be caught off guard."

As Jane turned to leave, Y/n's voice stopped her.

Y/n: "Miss Jane, this battle is taking a toll on everyone. But remember, we're fighting for the innocent, for those who can't defend themselves. Our actions can make a difference in this world."

Jane met his gaze, her determination matching his own.

Jane: "I understand, Mr. Wolfram. We will do whatever it takes to protect this world from darkness."

With a resolute nod, Jane exited the office, leaving Y/n alone with his thoughts. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was resolved to face whatever came his way. The Veil of Darkness may have emerged from the shadows, but Y/n was determined to banish it, once and for all.

As the heavy door closed behind Jane, Y/n was left alone in his office. The weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders. He knew that the battles ahead would require not only strength and strategy but also sacrifice. He leaned back in his chair and let out a heavy sigh.

Y/n (thoughts): These alliances are a new variable. It complicates the situation, but it also gives us opportunities. I need to be cautious, cunning even. Exploiting the weaknesses of these dark entities won't be easy, but it's our best chance.

His fingers drummed rhythmically on the armrest as he considered his next moves. The map on the table seemed to taunt him with its uncertainties.

Y/n (thoughts): Jane is right. We can't face them head-on in our current state. We need more information and more intelligence on our enemies and their motives.

The crackling of flames in the fireplace mirrored the intensity of his thoughts. The responsibility he felt weighed heavily on him, but he knew he couldn't afford to falter.

(To Be Continued)

(Author note: I am terribly sorry for the late update... I have a lot of school work)

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