My parents taught me...

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My parents taught me to be afraid.
Don’t do this or that will happen.
Don’t do that or this will happen.
Don’t go anywhere by yourself or you’ll be kidnapped,
But they would send me into the store by myself.
Don’t go outside at night or you could be raped,
But will you go dump the kitty litter, my dad would ask me after dark.
Don’t open the door for anyone unless we’re home,
But go get my package from the mailman,
My dad would tell me when he was an hour from home.
Don’t go to college because I don’t want anything to happen to you,
But when I graduated I was told to either go to college or get a job.
Don’t eat too much unless you want to look like me,
But if you don’t eat you’ll get in trouble.
Don’t fail in school,
But work a part time job.
Dad, I’m depressed.
Don’t be, he would say back.
Dad, I don’t want to be here anymore.
Suicide is a permenat solution to a temperary problem.
But dad, my trauma isn’t temperary.
It’s stuck with me since the day it’s happened.
My parents taught me to fear.

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