I was told to be quiet.
Never play too loud.
Never laugh too loud.
Never sing while my parents were home because I was too loud.
Never play my music out loud because they didn’t like it.
Never stand up for myself because as a lady I’m just here for men.
Never speak unless spoken to because as a child I shouldn’t be talking about adult things.People would ask me why I never spoke about being sexually assulted for months after it happened.
It’s because I was taught to be quiet.
As a lady it just happens sometimes,
And as a 16 year old girl I was still a child and couldn’t talk about adult things.Eventually, when I did become an adult I learned to stop being quiet.
I learned to scream.
I screamed out everything I was holding in since I was a child.Suddenly, all that pain that I was keeping quiet became anger.
And I am still so angry.

The Things I Never Said Out Loud
PoesiaThe thoughts and words that no one besides myself have heard or said. I started this book at 19, a couple months after I went through the worst breakup of my life. I continues to write it during what had been the worst and best summer of my life, su...