I’ll never have to get his sister up for school again.
I’ll never have to listen to his grandma bitch again.
I’ll never have to listen to his parents fight again.
I’ll never have to worry about being the only one supporting us again.
I’ll never have to get up at 3 am for a job that made me want to kill myself again.
I’ll never have to scan another gas station rewards card again.
I’ll never have to listen to someone get mad about the gas station card discount again.
I’ll never have to feel uncomfortable around that one guy again.
I’ll never have to ride in his car again.
I’ll never take shit from that other guy again.
I’ll never have to listen to her talk about her life again.
I’ll never have to listen to the other girl talk about her life again.
I’ll never see his best friend or that family again.
I’ll never see that manager and her husband again.
I’ll never have to hear the shit people said about me again.
I’ll never have to beg him to stand up for me again.
I’ll never have to beg him to love me again.
I’ll never have to beg him to touch me again.
I’ll never have to beg him for the bare minimum again.He’ll never touch me again.
He’ll never kiss me again.
He’ll never lie to me again.
He’ll never manipulate me again.
He’ll never make me feel guilty again.

The Things I Never Said Out Loud
PoetryThe thoughts and words that no one besides myself have heard or said. I started this book at 19, a couple months after I went through the worst breakup of my life. I continues to write it during what had been the worst and best summer of my life, su...