Chapter One!

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Have you ever wondered why this supposed "God" not saying I don't believe in him but just not like the full Christian kinda type. No hate to Christian's their amazing people always so kind and caring. Anyways back to what I was saying, but like have you wondered why god wanted to just put you in the most happiest moment of your life then Bam! It's ripped from underneath you. Well that is exactly what's happening to me right now.

My supposed "Parents" are supposed to love me but ever since she died, they've completely changed. And not in a good way. I've tried so many times to tell them I didn't kill her, but they're stubborn just like me. I think that runs in the family. We were supposed to be on the way to the city to attend Westbrooke College the next day. But that got fucking ruined by my stubborn self. I shouldn't have gone down that alleyway when I knew it was dodgy. but that's besides the point. My point is that ever since she died my life has been hell. And now today 2 weeks after her death my brothers decided to move into the city to live with the devil himself, they're best friend. I fucking hate, No I don't hate him I despise him! he fucking ruined me. And the death of her has just made everything worse. And don't remind me of him. oof even thinking about him makes me shiver. and not in a good way either. My brothers don't know that part but once they see the tattoo I have on my lower back they're going to go berserk. but you know it is what it is. I'm still the Bad Bitch I am just more emotionless and grumpy.

I get snapped out of my trance by my older brother Cole, he was waving his hand in front of my face trying to get from staring out the window now. We've been on the road for 7 hours now and we've finally arrived at the apartment, wait scratch that, a fucking penthouse in an apartment building that he lives at. I'm so mesmerised by the building that I can't wait to get inside. But Cole shouts to wait for him. Silas gets out of the front seat and grabs his things out of the car and comes and stands by me, ruffling my hair with his huge as fucking hand. then he speaks....

" You excited kiddo? "

" not really. I hate that we have to live with him" I shudder.

Silas rolls his eyes and puts his arm around my shoulders.

" he has a name ya know? "

" I know. "

Silas doesn't push any further, instead he drags me with his arm still around my shoulders to the elevator leaving Cole behind to get the bags. he presses the button to the 19th floor. God why does he have to be so rich. Yes my family is rich but not as much as his. We reach his door and Silas knocks on the matte black doors three times. 2 minutes later they swing open and the devil himself comes into view. Ladies and Gentleman the moment you've all been waiting for, standing in front of doing some sort of bro handshake with my older brother is no other than Alex Anderson! The one guy I absolutely despise. I shove past them and say " which room am I staying in? " not bothering about hello's or anything. I hear Alex mutter "4th door on the right. " I drag my suitcases there and plop myself on the bed. It's comfy I'll give him that. but as soon as 10 minutes of lying on the silky bed I've fallen into a deep slumber.

 but as soon as 10 minutes of lying on the silky bed I've fallen into a deep slumber

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This is how I'm picturing Mila's room.


About 6 hours later I wake up from the occurring nightmare I've had for the past 3 weeks, and look at the time on my phone that it's 12am, we got here at 6pm Saturday night because I was getting sick of my parents constantly yelling at me and blaming me for everything, so after my brothers saw me destroying my room they decided that today would be a good day to move and get out of their presence. Yes I was happy that we were moving but I wasn't happy that we were staying with Alex fucking Anderson. Alex is the most ignorant, arrogant, egotistical person I know. And he's the biggest Asshole I know as well, plus being a dick as well. 5 years ago was the second worst moment of my life and he happened to be the cause of it. I'm still fucking struggling with it. But I'm trying not to dwell on anything that either involves or even spells Alex Fucking Anderson! My plan is to focus on my studies on becoming a Fashion Designer even though I'm already a famous model. but that's not my dream. So I'm going to ignore and avoid Alex Anderson at all costs. If he does speak to me it will only ever be short answers only. I will not give him my time of day. I decide to quietly get up out of bed and head to the balcony and just get some fresh air. Once I get out there I instantly start to cry. I'm a closed person now so I don't let anybody see me cry or vulnerable. I know this isn't what she would want me to do. Like ya know bottle everything up or hide my emotions. But how can you not when your other half is gone. My cries turn into quiet sobs and I say to myself " Why was I the one driving? Maybe my parents are right. I do deserve to die and not Braylee. Would they be happier if I just killed myself? " I sob even more until my eyes are drowsy and sleepy from crying. So I head in and just stare at the ceiling until I see the sunrise.

There's always one question on my mind 24/7.

Why was it her that died?



I know this is a short chapter but it's all I can think of.

And I also know that the first chapter was sad already. And the rest are probably going to seem like its only a short story by how sad it already is but there will be LOTS of drama in this story so it will make the story longer. 

I'm going to be doing POV for Alex as well. so it will be like alternating between the two. So next chapter will be in Alex's POV.

But how did you like the first chapter?

let me know in the comments.

I have all the time in the world to reply to the comments and post, update etc because I have recently finished my school so I'm on my Christmas holidays rn.

Well have a good day/evening/morning/sleep wherever your in the world.

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