Chapter Two!

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I'm sitting on my couch just switching through channels on live TV because I've watched everything on Netflix, which is completely obvious because I have heaps of time to waste considering basketball try outs don't start until Monday morning. I switch to the NBA channel watching Stephen Curry shoot his infamous three pointer until there's the famous three knocks I know to be one of my best friends. I jump up off the couch and head to the door leaving the tv playing, assuming the boys would want to watch with me when they get in. I swing the door open and the first thing I see is a little petite girl with the most curviest or should I say sexiest body ever! but when I look into those green eyes I realise who it is. It's Mila-Rose, she's beautiful. I snap out of checking her out too much and do the handshake the boys and I have, after we finish Mila pushes past me and asks " which room am I staying in? " Oh okay, no hello then, wow that hurt. She must be still sad over her death and maybe what happened 5 years ago. I mutter with " 4th door on the right. " She speeds off down the hallway in the direction I pointed her to. I walk Silas to his room, he puts his suitcase on his bed and follows me out to the couch waiting on Cole, like always, I roll my eyes at that. Cole finally turns up and he plops himself sighing dramatically, he looks around the room looking for Mila, then he asks....

"Where's Mila?"

" In her room. "

Silas speaks up  " probably sleeping, she's been doing that lately. "

I say " Well she is grieving, she was the most closest to her. They were inseparable. Those two literally had separation anxiety with each other."

Cole replies to me " I know right. I remember this one time when we were little kids, Mila wanted to go get ice cream and I offered to take her but Mum said I only could take one, the Mila and Braylee had the most longest tantrum ever! like they were crying, kicking and punching everything. "

" I remember that! So I offered to take both, but Mum said no because they needed to learn how to be apart from each other, and that made them cry even more that they started hugging each other and wouldn't let go. " Silas spoke up remembering the memory Cole is talking about.

" Omg Yes! and it was like so hard to pull them apart, so Mum just ended up letting you take both because she just couldn't handle her babies crying anymore. " Cole Finished the memory with.

I smile at how close Mila was with Braylee, Braylee was the introverted twin where Mila was the extroverted twin, Mila would always talk and be the happy yet feisty little girl whereas Braylee was the shy and too gentle little girl. But now Mila doesn't speak much from what I've heard. She barely comes out of her room, eats, or showers. She just mostly sleeps. Speaking of Mila I get up off the couch and tell the boys that I'm going to check on Mila, they just nod but Silas says something that breaks my heart to pieces " Hey Alex. Just to warn you, ever since Braylee died she's been in sort of a kind of depression kinda state. Actually No, not sort of, A week after she died and maybe a few days after her funeral she's been depressed to the extent of self harming and suicide attempts. So if you see her cutting her self or biting her arm until she bleeds please stop her.  And check her bag for any type of weapon or drugs in them please? But she might be sleeping because the drive here was long. " I just nod because I can't speak after he told me that piece of information. I walk down the hall to her room, I knock three times and no answer so I call out for her, " Mila, Angel, Are you in there? " Still no answer. So I gently creak the door open and poke my head behind it. To no surprise she is in fact sleeping like Silas said. So I gently put a throw blanket over her so she doesn't get cold cause mind you it is the middle of winter. i walk back out into the living room to see that the boys have fallen asleep as well. Well okay then. Now I'm lonely. I potter around the house just cleaning up because I forgot to before they got here. The cleaning took me a couple hours and it was now 8 at night. So I decided to head to my room  which is right next to Mila's. I change into my Pj's which consists of just my plaited red pants, no t-shirt. Cause ya know my abs need to breathe. Like how girls don't where bra's to bed because they're boobs need to breathe. I jump under my covers and instantly let sleep over take me.

 I jump under my covers and instantly let sleep over take me

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This is what Alex's bedroom looks for me.


I wake up to rustling around the room next door, then the sliding door opening to the conjoined balcony I have with my room. I look at my alarm clock on my bedside table to read that it's 12am in the morning. I get up no longer sleepy and make my way out to the balcony and see Mila standing there in her lace lingerie with the matching robe.


I snap out of my little trance that I shouldn't be having for my best friends' little sister, when I hear the little sobs coming out of her mouth I go to step forward when I hear her mumble a few things. I couldn't quite hear but I still managed to hear. But I don't want to overstep already so I head back into my room and hop back into bed to sleep again.

I manage to let the darkness take over even though her words are still floating around in my mind.

Why would she say those things?



Wow two chapters in one day.

I know I said I'm going to alternate the POV's but that might change a bit in some chapters because I might put both POV's in the one chapter. But I'm not sure yet.

how did you like Alex's POV?

I hope it was good.

Have an amazing day/evening/morning/night/sleep whatever time it is or wherever your in the world.

- A xx

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