Dumbledore's Army

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"STUPEFY!" Sixteen year old Hermione shouted, causing Ron to fly backwards.

Dumbledore's Army was in full swing. It had been going for a few weeks and everyone was loving it; none more than Fred. It gave him time to really appreciate the genius of Hermione. He always knew she was book smart; the entire school knew that. But seeing a girl that can handle herself was one of the most attractive things he had ever seen. Especially one as beautiful as that. Since the Yule Ball last year, Fred couldn't help looking at Hermione in a different light.

Smiling happily, Fred gratefully accepted the sickle from George; there was no way Ron was going to beat Hermione. His brother was good sure -  but Hermione was better.

"Pair up!" Harry Potter shouted, walking around the room. He seemed really in his element teaching people how to defend themselves; like it had given him a purpose. His eyes sparkled and his smile never faltered. Given everything he had already been through, Fred was pleased; Harry was like the extra little brother he had never wanted but loved him all the same. Seeing him so content made Fred happy.

Fred turned to George; who had already been whisked away by Angelina. Fred didn't mind; he was happy for them. Even though they denied it a lot, you could tell they liked each other. Angelina had never been more than a good friend to him. 

Looking around, Fred saw Ron casually going with Harry, leaving Hermione by herself. She turned to a dummy to practice on, clearly used to the two of them going together. Taking a deep breath he went over. "You wanna pair up?" Hermione nodded, with a surprised look on her face and they started practicing.

"Stupefy!" Fred said, not really trying; he didn't want to risk hurting Hermione. Quick as a flash, Hermione shot one back, and Fred went flying. "I can look after myself." Hermione laughed offering Fred a hand, suddenly by his side. "I know but you're younger," Fred said as he accepted her hand. He didn't know if he was imagining it, but he was sure he felt a shock to his hand when he touched her. He quickly pulled his hand away and Hermione went to stand opposite him.

As he said this, Fred realized the truth in it; Hermione was 16 and he was 17. Maybe the age would put her off? It wasn't that big but some people only dated people in the same year. Although that reminded him the only person he knew Hermione had dated was Krum; and he was definitely not in her year. Shaking his head, Fred had no idea why he was thinking these things. He had dated other girls sure, but they had never had the power over him Hermione seemed to.

Brushing himself off, Fred practiced; more determined now. "That's better," Hermione said easily avoiding the spell with a protection charm.

Whilst they were practicing, they made small talk and Fred was surprised at how much Hermione was making him laugh. She was so easy to talk to. How had he not realised this before?

He also started noticing little things about Hermione; tells about what kind of spell she was about it do. If she was going to disarm him, she smirked a little to herself; not majorly - but the left corner of her mouth went up, and sure enough

"Expelliarmus." Hermione said almost effortlessly.

Before Fred could fire a spell back, Harry whistled and everyone stopped. "Great work. Fantastic work everybody. Remember to practice your weakest areas when you're alone or with friends, and you have to believe in yourself."

Smiling, Fred picked his wand up and waved goodbye to Hermione. Hermione waved back but as Fred watched her leave with Ron, he suddenly felt the same surge of emotion that he had felt when he saw her with Viktor Krum the previous year. "You ready Freddie?" George asked, curious as to why his twin was just staring blankly at the door. "I managed to get us a date with two amazing sixth years."

Standing up, Fred threw an arm around George and together they walked out. "I don't know about dates Georgie; I may have found the real thing..."

Fred didn't realise the words were leaving his mouth until they were gone. George looked at him, flabbergasted. "What now?" How could his identical twin, who told him everything have fallen in love and George was none the wiser?

"I'm not sure... Meh probably nothing. Who are these dates with then?"  But Fred should've known better than to think George would let him off that easily.

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