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Storming the pitch, Fred instinctively glanced around. Hermione was there. For a moment his heart lifted, thinking she was there to see him. Until he saw Harry and Ron walk out behind her.

Hermione was often at practices; she hardly ever watched them though, it was more a show of support for Harry and now Ron. Today was different though; Fred could see a pile of books and scrolls next to her, and yet she was clearly looking at the pitch. Fred figured she was looking at Ron.

"Alright. Lets get to it." Angelina said, after she had explained her tactics. As usual Fred and George were the beaters. They worked as one and always knew where the other one would be hitting a bludger. Their twin instincts worked overtime on the pitch. Putting one bludger under his arm and picking up his bat, Fred mounted his broom.

Whilst they took to the sky, Fred flew next to Ron. "You good?" He asked, taking in the look of fear on his brother's face.

Ron nodded but his face seemed to suggest he was about to vomit. "Its just practice Ronniekins. You'll be fine." Fred said with a wink as he left to go to his position. 

"Ow!" Katie Bell said, as Fred miscalculated a bludger and caught her arm. "Sorry!" Fred shouted. He couldnt help it. Hermione had spent the entire time watching the session and that was incredibly distracting for Fred. She was chewing her nails and looking so focused. What made it worse was her attention was purely on Ron. Occasionally she glanced at Harry but since they weren't using real snitches to practice, there wasn't a whole lot for Harry to do.

Finally, Angelina blew her whistle. Flying down, Fred cursed himself for still being madly...obsessed (he could think of no better word) with Hermione. Sure it had only been a few hours since he had decided to leave her alone and get over it - but quite honestly, he had gotten over girls a lot faster. Especially girls he had never so much as kissed.

"Fred, whats wrong?" Angelina said, "You've never missed a bludger like that."

Shrugging, Fred didnt know what to say. Him and Angelina were friends - good friends - but it still felt weird telling her that he was... in love? Or crushing? On another girl. They'd had a couple of dates after all. She didn't need to hear about this.

"I asked George and he said he wasnt sure which is a load of bs. So?" Angelina crossed her arms and waited for an answer. Fred got the sense she would not let the matter drop unless he told her the truth.

Hesitantly, Fred replied "I..like someone."

Rolling her eyes, Angelina hit Fred around the head with an open palm. "Well tell her, give her a snog or move on. Its dangerous if you arent focusing. In practice it's one thing, it'd be another in a match when we're depending on you to keep the bludgers away from us."

As she walked away and left him to get changed, Fred thought about two things. One; he couldnt hurt Ron, but he couldnt keep this up; like Angelina said, it was dangerous. And two; Angelina was one of the coolest girls he knew.

Making the decision to talk to Ron about it, Fred decided he wouldnt do anything until he had spoken to Ron. If he was alright with it then of course Fred would tell Hermione how he felt. If not... well, Fred didnt want to think about that.

Walking into the changing rooms, Fred felt a lot happier.

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