The Perfect Mother

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Hermione was grateful she was a muggle born - it gave her an advantage in the streets of London. Taking a deep breath, Hermione stopped running and began panting instead - sports wasnt her specialty.  Wiping her tears, Hermione ignored the pain in her chest and did what she was best at - she thought.

Nodding to herself she realised what she had to do. Holding out her right arm, she stepped into the busy street.

"Knight Bus at your service M'Lady." A young man said, holding out a hand to Hermione. She stepped on gratefully and looked at the conductor. "Youre not Stan?"

"Nope. Its 'is day off - I'm Tommy." Hermione smiled at him. "I'm Hermione."

Bending down to her hand, Tommy kissed it. "Charmed. Where to M'Lady?"

Hermione stopped and thought for another minute; she couldnt take him to the Burrow - there was too much protection.

"Ottery St. Catchpole" Hermione replied, taking a seat - once again the bus was nearly empty. "3 galleons and 6 sickles please." Handing over the fair, Hermione leaned against the window and tried to stop herself thinking about what she had just seen.

"Take it away Ernie." Tommy said, tapping the window to the driver.

In only minutes, Hermione reached her destination. "So Hermione; got a surname? Wouldnt mind writing to you."

Shaking her head, Hermione replied "Whats yours?"

"Kent. Tommy Kent." He winked as she got off. "I look forward to getting your Owl." Hermione got off, shouted a thanks to Ernie and began the walk to the Burrow.

Her and the others had arrived home at roughly 9am - after spending a few hours with her parents, Hermione had sent her bags and things to the Burrow. Her Mum and Dad tried talking her out of it; they wanted to take her out of Hogwarts all together. But after explaining that Harry needed her, especially now, they had agreed to let her go as long as they received a letter a day.

Walking up the hill, the first thing Hermione saw was Ginny, flying through the air. Even though she knew the chances of Ginny seeing her were basically none, Hermione waved.

She had no idea what to tell people once she arrived; she had told them she wanted to surprise Fred.

As she crossed the protection barriers, Molly came bursting through the door. "Hermione!" She called as she ran to give her a hug. Laughing, Hermione hugged her back. "Where have you hidden my son? Everytime I see him lately, he either talks about you or that blasted shop."

"What do you mean? He's with...Rosie." The name tasted venomous in her mouth. "No he cant be; he hasnt seen Rose in years!" Molly said, leading Hermione to the house.

"Who is she?" Hermione asked, as the tears fell. "Oh love. (Molly wiped the tears and carefully sat with her on the sofa.) She was a girl who use to go to Hogwarts - she left in I think it was third year to go to Beauxbatons Academy, but in those three years she became...obsessed with Freddie. Love letters daily, romantic gifts - at first Fred found it funny but then it became weird. He told her he wasnt interested in a relationship - well he was only 13! of course he wasnt - and she left."

Hermione shook her head. "She's beautiful." Hermione left out the kiss; there was no need to tell his mother.

"No matter how beautiful she is, she doesnt hold a candle to you." 

"You havent seen her."

"I dont need to. Just wait till I get my hands on that... - GINNY WEASLEY GET DOWN BEFORE YOU BREAK YOUR ARM!" Molly shouted before storming off, no doubt to stop Ginny doing cartwheels in the air. Molly was one of the most remarkable women Hermione knew - no matter who needed her, whether they were related or not she became a mother figure - Ginny was in no danger on her broom and still Molly fussed. She was the perfect mother.

Hermione settled down and wiped the tears away. After a few minutes, Ginny came in with Ron, both coated in mud - with Ron in the middle of taking his shirt off. "Charming Ronald, hi Ginny."

"Alright Hermione?" Ginny said with a smile, before leaving to shower and change. "Alright?" Ron muttered, pulling back on his shirt embarrassed. "Mum why didnt you say Hermione was 'ere?" Ron complained, before having a little shove on the back. "Just shower." Molly said

Sitting back next to Hermione, Molly pulled her in for a hug. "Dont you worry about that son of mine; he's crazy about you, anyone can see that."

"But what was all that about in the shop? I know it was Fred, so please dont try to convince me it was George."

Molly nodded. "I know. You are one of the ones who has managed to tell them apart; even I struggle sometimes. But never the less I am sure there is an explanation. And believe you me; if my son breaks your heart I'll be doing more than having a word."

Smiling, Hermione hugged Molly back. It really hurt being away from her parents and she would be eternally grateful to the Weasleys for becoming her second family.

Even if Fred broke her heart, she couldnt stand not seeing the Weasleys - even if it hurt her.

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