Chapter 4 - Yeonjun - wakeboarding

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Jungkook spins off his board, flying waywards as the boat drags him across the Han River. He falls hard, and the river feels more like solid ground as he splashes into it. He groans, kicking upwards even though he knows the flotation vest will do most of the work. He let go of the leash when he fell, but he can still feel the ghost of the boat pulling him forward.

He looks up, forcing a sheepish smile. Yeonjun is filming him with GoPro, so Jungkook has to look the part. He's done this a million times before, giving the camera something to look at—he doesn't want to let ARMY down.

"How about I give it a try?" Yeonjun shouts out from the boat. "I've done this well before."

Jungkook touches his face as the boat curves around to pick him up. As the driver helps him detach his board, he climbs up and hopes his waterproof makeup is holding up okay. Although wakeboarding wasn't in his plans for today, Yeonjun is filming a special, and Jungkook couldn't say no.

"Teach me how to stand up so effortlessly," Jungkook says.

Yeonjun grins, arranging his arms in a goofy Superman pose. "Yes. You'll be standing up in no time. I got you."

Jungkook warms at Yeonjun's words. He sits on the boat, holding the GoPro backwards as Yeonjun attaches his feet to the board. Dripping and more than exhausted, he sighs heavily, then grins as Yeonjun gives a thumbs up from the water.

The boat accelerates, and Yeonjun gets this concentrated look on his face. He's dragged in the water only for a few seconds, before he manages to lift himself up and slowly extend his long legs into a standing position. Yeonjun is silent, too focused, but he glows in victory.

Jungkook cheers from the boat, shaking so much that he knows the footage will be ruined. He sees the editor adding the subtitles—Jungkook getting a bit too excited.

Yeonjun falls after about a minute, trying to make his way over the crest of the wave. He succeeds in standing up three more times and riding it out much longer than Jungkook could ever hope to do.

After Yeonjun's turn, they take a break on the boat. Yeonjun hands Jungkook a strawberry popsicle. This time, when Jungkook eats, he's careful to avoid getting a mess around his lips. He nods at the sweet and sour notes, trying not to look suspicious about the extra concealer probably caking up around his forehead.

"I heard you went to the movies with Jin-hyung," Yeonjun says.

Jungkook stills. The boat rocks, and he's tempted to fall over the hull. "Oh. Yeah, the movie was really funny."

Yeonjun hums and chomps down on his popsicle, not at all worried about the sugar sticking around his lips. Jungkook feels jealous. He wishes he could have the same skin as Yeonjun. He also wants to talk about his disorder with Yeonjun. He has such a comforting vibe about him. No wonder his mom and fans call him "healing."

But the moment passes without Jungkook being able to summon the right words.

"Alright," Yeonjun says. "Are you ready for your turn? I know you can stand up. We won't leave until you do so for at least twenty seconds. Besides, you're good at everything."

"Not wakeboarding," Jungkook says. Even so, he doesn't protest when the instructor reattaches his vest and board. He has the sudden urge to call it quits, go home, and wipe off his makeup with a thousand wipes.

But he finds himself in the water again.

The boat picks up, and he panics as he speeds up behind it. Above him, the sky is bluer than it's been in weeks. He just wants to melt into it, becoming a cloud.

Yeonjun draws him back with a thunderous shout. "You can do it!"

Jungkook steels himself. He keeps his knees bent, rolling forward. As his board levels out, he grunts and slowly straightens out his legs.

He's doing it! He's actually wakeboarding!

Jungkook doesn't count the seconds, but he does count the amount of times he feels like he's going to fall but instead stays flying like a superhero. Finally, he hits the wrong edge of the board, dipping too deeply. He's thrown off, but this time the water doesn't hurt him. He grins hard, wiping the river out of his eyes and not caring if the surrounding scars peak through a little bit. He lifts both arms high, like he's in a church worship service. He shouts, and he's not just trying to look invigorated for the camera.

Yeonjun claps up a storm, jumping so passionately that the boat rocks back and forth.

For once, Jungkook finds a moment where he doesn't care about what he looks like. What he feels is so much more important.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Who else is loving Jungkook's song "Dreamers"?

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