Chapter 7 - Yoongi - tattoo

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The needle pricks into his skin, but Jungkook is so used to it by now that the pain is like a bite from a tame animal. He flicks his gaze toward his arm, where he's adding yet another tattoo to his sleeve. This time, it's a small boxing glove—it'll remind him to fight no matter how hard the challenge with this disorder may be.

Yoongi peers down to where his tattoo artist is mapping out the location of his friendship tattoo.

Jungkook can feel the question before it comes, swirling in the air like the beginnings of a tornado.

"You know I am always honest with you," Yoongi says, flinching a bit when the tattoo artist signals that he's about to start. "You've been acting strangely. And you wear makeup all the time now. Don't think I haven't noticed."

Despite Jungkook's optimism these days, he still stiffens when thinking about being open about his disorder. The needle suddenly sharpens at the thought, piercing deeper even though the tattoo artist hasn't changed his stance. Jungkook focuses on the muted blare of the surround-sound speakers, playing contemporary rock that probably infuses a bit of flare into every tattoo done at this parlor.

"It's not like I don't want to tell you," Jungkook says, "it's just that I'm not ready."

"You're never going to feel ready," Yoongi says, scrunching up his face. "If you don't want to tell me, tell one of the other members. But we'll all find out eventually."

We'll all find out eventually. That's one of his greatest fears. But Yoongi is right. What happens after this hiatus? When they're spending every day together? He cannot hide such a monumental problem.

"I know you want to be quiet," Yoongi says. "But it doesn't help when you hide. That just makes the issue worse."

"I know," Jungkook says, louder than he anticipated. He kind of wants to flail around, but he knows better than to disturb the stillness required when getting a tattoo.

Yoongi's seven tattoo is done, and Jungkook's piece will take much longer—but the older member stays seated across from him. They both watch the boxing glove as it transforms into an object popping off his skin. The shadows are placed just right, like a 3D artwork. Jungkook appreciates it—this artist's sheer dedication to the craft.

And he's a bit paranoid that the artist will talk—BTS' Jungkook dealing with issue that he cannot even trust his members with. Jungkook trusts this place and its people, but it's almost second nature by now to think about the media and the tales it can spin.

Jungkook inhales the signature scent of the tattoo parlor—cleaning products that don't at all match the dark steampunk theme of the chairs and walls. The song changes, and Yoongi stands up.

"I want to be direct with you," Yoongi says. "The company has hired a few therapists that—"

"I'm not seeing a therapist," Jungkook says, cutting his hyung off. And I've already tried that—he doesn't add.

"I've been seeing one," Yoongi says, "and I find it very helpful. Some things cannot be fought alone."

"No." Jungkook stiffens, focusing only on the bite of the needle.

"Always been stubborn," Yoongi says. "Anyway, I care about you, Jungkook-ah."

Jungkook slouches back down, like he was trying to nail in his point with his height. Jungkook wonders if getting twenty more tattoos will distract him from returning to his bathroom mirror and busting out his tweezers.

A/N: Thanks for reading! ❤️ May your 2023 be filled with happiness and many moments with BTS.

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