two. different dna.

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two - different dna.

two - different dna

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SHE STOOD NEXT TO YOKO, BOTH OF THEM DONNED IN THEIR FENCING UNIFORMS. She held her fencing needle as she watched two guys fence each other, heavily confused about why she chose to take this class considering she's never done anything remotely similar in her life. "Should we start?" Yoko asked, walking to the other side of the fencing mat. 

"Is it bad that I haven't ever fenced before?" Vesta asked.

"Probably, I'll take it easy on you though." Yoko slid her helmet over her face, Vesta watched and copied her action, raising her needle in front of her. One of the guys she was watching before stood beside their mat. Vesta sighed, copying Yoko's stance as he spoke. 

"En-garde," Yoko lunged forward, tapping her needle on Vesta's own. Vesta stepped back as Yoko went on the offense, the brunette shakily blocked her advances, stumbling as she attempted to attack back. She sighed, taking a few steps forward as she lunged toward Yoko, getting irked the longer the match went on. Yoko lunged once more, her needle landing on Vesta's chest. 

"Halt," The boy said again, watching Vesta take her helmet off, dropping her needle on the floor. Yoko walked over to her, patting her on the shoulder. 

"You did well for your first match. Not nearly as bad as Enid did." She smiled, leading her over to the boy who spotted them.

"Xavier, this is Vesta. The girl I was telling you about last night." Xavier nodded, holding his hand out, Vesta took his hand, giving him an awkward smile as they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." She said, dropping his hand. The brunette turned to Yoko, watching as she adjusted her glasses. 

"I have to get changed. I'll see you at lunch?" Yoko nodded, looking at her new friend as she walked away.

 She sat in the empty art classroom, Her sketchbook sitting in front of her, the figures she drew in the car ride staring back at her, all inspiration leaving her as she sat in the messy classroom

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 She sat in the empty art classroom, Her sketchbook sitting in front of her, the figures she drew in the car ride staring back at her, all inspiration leaving her as she sat in the messy classroom. She dug through her bag, took out her phone and put her headphones in, picked up her pencil, and started to draw as people piled into the class, taking seats scattered around the room. She heard the seat next to her scrape against the wooden floor. The door opened once again, and a tall woman with white hair walked inside, an amulet rested on her chest, as she swayed into the classroom. She turns to Vesta, looking at the girl who wasn't paying attention to anyone near her. She taps on her desk causing the girl to look up. 

"Hello, Your Vesta Anoki correct?" She smiled as Vesta nodded. "I'm Ms. Bruno." She said quietly, looking around to make sure everyone was working on what they were supposed to. "We're working on figure drawing in class for this semester, though it seems you have that down." Ms. Bruno said, looking down at her student's sketchbook. 

"Yeah, I think I do," Vesta said quietly, picking her pencil up again, watching as Ms.Bruno waved at her before returning to her own desk. The graphite pencil glided over the textured paper, and a woman with a flowing dress licked in flames danced across the page. The longer she looked at the drawing the more familiar it became, the picture of her mother she kept in her wallet came to mind, smiling at the only memory of her. 

"Not bad," A deep voice spoke from beside her, She rolled her eyes looking up from the page.

"Yeah I know," She looked at Xavier, whose eyes were still on his own sketchbook. His light-brown hair was tied back into a short ponytail, Vesta finally got a good glimpse of his eyes as he looked over at her. He glided his hand over the drawing of a snake on his paper, the serpent slowly slithering out of the paper onto the shared desk. Vesta's back straightened as she leaned back into her seat, eyes wide and her heart beating out of her chest. 

"What the hell," She whispered, watching as the snake slithered its way over to her. She slammed her hand down on the snake, watching as it dissipated into black mist. Vesta looked back over to Xavier who was laughing quietly. 

"Afraid of Snakes?" He asked.

"Yeah, kind of." She responded, slumping down in her seat. "I think it's a decently rational fear."

"Where are you from?" He asked, continuing his drawing. Vesta did the same.

"Orlando, Florida." She answered.

"Pretty far from here, right?"

"I'm pretty sure everywhere is far from here." She sighed, "But yeah Orlando is a whole day's drive from here." 

"Why Nevermore?" Xavier asked.

"An Arson charge on your school record isn't exactly what most schools want." She paused, "That's the kinda stuff Nevermore wants though."

The deafening bell rang through the air, signaling the end of the class. Vesta stood up, shoving her things inside of her bag before walking out of the door, talking the long walk to her dorm, not even bothering to eat.

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