chapter twenty-one. full of woe.

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chapter twenty-one - full of woe.

chapter twenty-one - full of woe

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NEVERMORE WAS ETHEREAL DURING THE NIGHT, MORESO THAN IT WAS IN THE DAY. Xavier and Vesta had spent most of their day in Jericho, walking around the city and messing around. She sat in his shed, watching as he painted, they hadn't talked much since they got back to the school, simply just enjoying each other's presence. His brush strokes were aggressive and urgent, his posture was stiff and rugged. His hair was let down, fluttering in his face as he painted.

Ves leaned on the table, the sleeves of her shirt getting dirty from the dust on the table. She watched as he dropped his brush in the cup of water, sighing heavily as he looked at his painting. She looked at the canvas as he backed away, the beady eyes of the monster she had seen in the woods were painted in black, the paint running down the canvas as Xavier walked over to the table, taking a seat in front of her.

"Are you alright?" She asked, watching as he ran a stressed hand through his hair.

Xavier hummed in agreement, watching as Vesta subconsciously messed with the bracelet on her arm. "How'd you like today?" He asked her, looking at the smile that graced her lips as she thought of their day together.

"It was nice, cold though."

"Just nice?"

"Maybe a little more than nice."


"Yeah, why are you asking?" She teased,

"Just wondering if you had something you wanted to ask me."

"What would that be?"

"Are you really gonna make me say it?"

"Say what?" She tilted her head at him, watching as he stood from his stool, walked to her side of the table, leaning on it beside her.

He leaned down, his lips aligned with her ear, smirking as he looked at her blushed face. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He whispered.

"Um-, yeah?" Vesta squeaked, her eyes were wide as she felt his breath fan over her tanned skin. He placed his finger under her chin, tilting her head in his direction, and pulling her in for a deep kiss.

A few weeks had passed since the beginning of the semester, everyone had slowly become more comfortable with their new routines

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A few weeks had passed since the beginning of the semester, everyone had slowly become more comfortable with their new routines. She sat on a hay bale on the archery range, her bow sitting on her lap as she listened to Enid rant about her new roommate to her on the phone.

"She's here now?" Vesta asked.

"Yeah, we're making our way to the quad, I'm waiting for her to change."

"I'll meet you over there," She hung up her phone, picking her bow up. She walked the short distance to the quad, greeting some of her friends as she spotted Xavier near his mural, a paintbrush in hand. Vesta sat on the little ledge connected to the pillar behind her back, silently watching Xavier paint.

She looked across the quad, looking over to see Enid speaking to a girl dress in all black. Her pale skin made her look like a walking corpse, and her braids made her look even less lifelike and more like a porcelain doll.

"And there is our resident tortured artist Xavier Thorpe, and beside him is Vesta Anoki. She's a newish student so you might want to make friends with her." Enid praised, waving over at Vesta.

She waved back, looking over her shoulder at Xavier who had turned away from his mural.

"She's a bit odd, isn't she?" Vesta commented.


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