A song for the divine

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A.N: Part 2 of Lullabies of a Saint.

It had been almost a month since the disappearance of Cale Henituse, and the territory was at a flurry.

Rumors spreading like wildfire along with words of malice.

'The young Master must have come to his senses and realized that he was nothing but a stain to the Henituse Bloodline.'

'He must have run away in fear of the consequences toward his actions.'

'This was nothing but a ploy to get the Count's attention.'

Such harsh words were spoken, even if most had never even seen the young master.

However as the end of the month neared new rumors began to awash the Noble Class.

The rumor of the Saint of the Goddess Eclipses.

It hand been more then a century since one chosen by The Mother Goddess of both Moon Goddess and the Sun 'God' had appeared.

It was a well-known fact that although the Roan Kingdom was the Kingdom of the Sun God that any member of Church of the Eclipse Goddess held more power than even then even a Pope of the Sun God.

As it was stated in the Holy Texts; "My mother and my creator is the one I will always defend, for if my mother's allies believe I'm wrong it be the same as her gifting me with guidance. So hear me my followers, if any do not bow to my mother you shall face my anger."

It was a famous verse and always presented the fact that the Sun's Followers will always rated below that of those chosen by the Eclipse Goddess.

Which was quite threatening to the Church of the Sun God.

So as the day where the King would address said rumors neared people grew more and more tense.

Now the day has arrived.

Thousands of citizens whether nobles or commoners stared at his majesty for answers.

This included the Family of the Henituse which was summoned by the king himself for unknown reasons.


The whispering gossip-mongrels' all quieted looking at the king with greed.

A Saint from the Eclipse Goddess would be quiet an amazing ally for any noble looking for a rise in stature.

"Many words have been spread throughout this kingdom of ours, that being said there is one question running through your mind... are they correct?"

Everyone stared hungrily and greedily, staring at the kind in hopes of gaining such a useful ally.

"The fact is as it stands... yes the Goddess of Eclipses has chosen a Saint, however this isn't exactly new news."

The nobles blinked.

"The Saint was first chosen eight years ago."

Everyone was confused, why was the saint hidden for eight years?

And most importantly why now of all times would they choose to reveal themselves?

"The Saint wished to at least be of age before taking his place as the speaker for the Mother Goddess."

Of age?!

The Saint was not of age when he was chosen?!

The nobles eyes sparkled, ideas on how to manipulate the young man starting at their minds.

"So without further ado, the Proving Ceremony will know begin."

"Saint Cale Henituse please come forward."

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