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A.N: Based on my headcannon that every once in while KRS screws up and says telephone (like an old man) when referring to a communication device. Also is it too ask if it's Erahuben or Eruhaben? I pronounce it Erahuben, but I've seen it spelled the other way...

It was a sliver of self-induced rebellion and a moment where the great hero Cale Henituse returned to his old habits.

It wasn't a relapse large enough to consider concerning, but big enough to be noticeable.

Every weekend when restless and haunted by night terrors Cale would drink himself into a stuper making a select few pubs and bars several million Gallons richer.

In a desperate attempt to keep his location the family proceeded to force the young man into carrying a communication on device his person at all times.

Not that it helped much...  when answering he would speak in tongues.

One that only his ever loyal knight seemed to understand.

Despite this many still listened and noticed that one word seemed to repeat in all their conversations, it would prompt Choi Han to chuckle so many assumed it was an inside joke.

Erahuben even spent hours restructuring the word and trying to find it's origin among the numerous human languages throughout the continent.

The word:

'Teləˌfōn' became synonymous with 'I'm safe'.

Until it didn't.

"Now Choi Han I'll give you one chance to explain the words 'Lounging at the pub, sipping the bub and you shant reach my teləˌfōn'." Erahuben began sounding much like an intimidating interrogator.

Choi Han, for his credit, looked confused as if never hearing the phrase in his life.


Ron smiled sharply.

"Don't play coy Choi Han... you and I both know you can't act."

Choi Han blinked.

"I obviously heard it before I made it up as a joke, but you said this was an important questioning with the young master's life on the line..."

"It is a matter of the young masters safety, using secret codes with a man who is infamous for not understanding self-preservation is a cause for concern."

Choi Han seemed to finally understand what the old men were getting at and he found it-



"I fail to see the humor in this." Frowned Deruth.

"Sorry! It's just-pfft" He burst into giggles once more.

"Choi Han." The man stopped laughing in an instant.

He motioned his hands and tried to make sense of the words that were about to leave his mouth.

"Cale is referring to a song in a different language, I translated the songs chorus to my best ability into Roan while still keeping the overall rhythm."



Unbearable silence.

"That's it?"


Eruhaben seemed unimpressed.

"What of the word 'teləˌfōn'."


Eruhaben nodded his head.

"Yes, 'teləˌfōn'."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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