[I] Wolf-Kissed and Lightning-Walker/Sigurd's Return

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~Seventeen Winters Later~{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn, Age 25, POV}

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~Seventeen Winters Later~
{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn, Age 25, POV}

Seventeen winters... It sounds like such a joke, but my life in Rygjafylke have been the best years of my life. Honestly, I feel more at home in Norway than I ever did back on that troll cursed island of Patch, away from those damned draugr(ghoul) and my betrayer. Of course, Varin kept his promise to Raven and not only gave me a home but trained me and taught me in the ways of the Raven Clan and how to properly fight as a drengr(young warrior). Rosta helped me a bit here and there, teaching me some more of the basics living in the Raven Clan, and became a mother-figure to me as Varin was a father-figure. Of course, there was Alvis, who taught me proper language and the art of Flyting. Gunnar, who taught me how to properly take care of my weapons and armor. There was a time I met the King of Rygjafylke, Styrbjorn King, and his son, Sigurd, who quickly became like an older brother to me. Of course, they heard about what I went through with the abuse, neglect, bullying, etc. and they were pissed and appalled that I was treated as such and were told I came from the other side of the planet, which they didn't mind. Sigurd helped me with my training, even though I was more a flail and hammer combo, which surprised most of the Raven Clan. Styrbjorn King taught me about the lands of Rygjafylke and Hordafylke and the locations with a bit of history. Zwei, well, he was just happy to be with me, and to honest, I was happy to have him here. Then, there was Eivor. Eivor... Just knowing her and being around her stirred something in me, which I had talked to Rosta beforehand, and she told me, that it was love, and mentioned one time both she and Varin accepted me to be with their daughter. I still couldn't believe it, but that's when things turned for the worse...

One day, in Heillboer, Varin invited Styrbjorn King to his home and through me and Eivor, we both were the cords that united our people. It did happen, but the celebration was interrupted by a rival clan of ours, the Wolf Clan led by Kjotve the Cruel. That's when... a "promise" was made, if Varin laid down his weapon and died a coward, his people would be spared. Rosta tried to convince Varin not to listen, but Varin went with it and was killed by Kjotve. Rosta also died that, and that's when Kjotve broke the promise and had his clan kill the rest. I was lucky to survive with Eivor thanks to Sigurd. Zwei managed to escape as well. That was until I heard Eivor was bitten by a wolf and almost died, but still survived and killed the wolf, thus, earning the name "Wolf-Kissed," while I earned the name "Lightning-Walker," thanks to the Lichtenberg Figure from my neck to my cheek on my left side.

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