[XIV] East Anglian Wedding/Family Time with Selene

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[Elmenham Docks, East Anglia]
{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn POV}

Two days have passed since our victory over Rued and his Clan, although I didn't get justice killing Rued as my blood screamed for. Yet Rued still lives thanks to Oswald and his mercy, something I would never understand. Their religion, yes, but confusing as all hell. However, at this time, I was standing near the docks of Elmenham, as the festivities of the wedding in bloom, with Eivor and Vernal waiting for Neo to arrive with our daughter Selene for some family time, and to allow Selene some outside scenery that wasn't Ravensthorpe. Darin and Irene, on the other hand, had told us in the set time about Adam Taurus' White Fang moving around England, and not in the friendly way. I had grown concerned whether or not the White Fang would arrive in Ravensthorpe to attack, more the former than the latter, but I digress.

Eivor: [shakes shoulder] Husband, what clouds your thoughts?

(Y/N): Sorry, Eiv, but what Darin and Irene say is true, we may need to have Ravensthorpe under heavier watch AND defense. My concerns grown ever more now we know the White Fang are here... in England.

Vernal: That would put Selene in danger too.

(Y/N): Precisely my concern, but right now... I'll push those thoughts aside.

Eivor: Once we return to Ravensthorpe, we will discuss the matter with Randvi and, later, Sigurd.

(Y/N): Honestly... [facepalms] ...the last thing we need to deal with are more enemies. We already have the Saxons, hostile Danes, AND the Order of the Ancients... now we have the White Fang.

Eivor: We'll figure it out, Husband.

(Y/N): I know, Eiv. Now... just waiting on our--


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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