[VI] {Ledecestrescire Arc} New Era for Ledecestrescire/New Alliance

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[Tamworth Fortress, Ledecestrescire]{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn POV}

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[Tamworth Fortress, Ledecestrescire]
{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn POV}

As the new day shined through the window, the sun's rays woke me from my slumber. Looking about, I saw Eivor was cuddling at my side with a smile on her face. I smiled back, but remembered today was the ceremony.

(Y/N): I guess it's time to get up, even though I don't want to. [shakes Eivor] Eiv, time to wake up.

Eivor: [groans] Five more minutes, husband...

(Y/N): That does sound like an idea, but we have the coronation to go to. Once that is over, we can sleep and cuddle all we want back in Ravensthorpe.

Eivor, going against her needs as a wife to snuggle her husband, wakes up and groans from the sun's rays and the mead from last night.

Eivor: I'll hold you to that, husband.

(Y/N): [chuckles] You know I keep my word.

Eivor: Isn't that your way?

(Y/N): No, that's just me.

Gearing back into my armor and weapons, even the axe I got from the crypt, Eivor and I left the house and head towards the longhouse. From there, the two of us saw my crew in front waiting. Passing them, Eivor and I went inside, followed by Neo and Trifa as we stood by Sigurd, who looked at us for a moment. From where I stood, I saw Ceolwulf scanning the room, probably looking for Ceolbert.

Ceolwulf: Where is my son?

To his right, a man, more or likely the witan, spoke with a soldier for a moment before turning his attention to Ceolwulf.

Witan: We sent word to Repton, but we've had no word, lord. I suggest we carry on.

When the witan told Ceolwulf they've had no word from Repton, I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Leaning to Neo and Trifa, I spoke softly so no one could hear.

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