[XII] {East Anglia Arc} Norseman Measurement/Meeting with Rued

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[Elmenham, East Anglia]{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn POV}

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[Elmenham, East Anglia]
{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn POV}

Morning comes around as Eivor, Neo, and I exit the longhouse and looked out into the scenery that was Elmenham, but we didn't see any sign of Oswald.

Eivor: Seems Oswald has set out for the day. We should have a word with him.

(Y/N): Probably, but... [notices Valdis] Maybe Valdis had seen him.

With the thought in mind, we began making our way towards Valdis, but she was speaking to another Dane, probably one of her clan.

Valdis: Clear the mess in the longhouse. And wake my brothers with the coldest water you can find. [notices us] Eivor, (Y/N), Neo, good to see you.

Neo merely waves while Eivor and I looked at her.

Eivor: You are Oswald's powerful bride-to-be, Valdis.

Valdis: I'm not his. This marriage is to be an alliance. Nothing more. Besides, the man can barely carry a sword or speak with conviction.

(Y/N): That we can agree on. Oswald is many things, but a leader... he is not. Not even a gifted one at that.

Eivor: Still, of everyone we have met here, he is the only one willing to be responsible for the place.

(Y/N): That said, have you seen the man?

Valdis: You can find Oswald by the docks. Watching the river calms him, apparently. I will leave you to your day.

From there on, the three of us made our way to teh docks, but we also noticed three additional longships docked nearby, and walking on the docks towards us, was Vernal.

Vernal: [waves] Eivor, (Y/N), Neo. Came as quickly as I got the letter. [looks around] This town seems... peaceful, but the country itself... looks like utter shit.

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