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ELIA had just finished another training session with her Master, Mace Windu. Seeing the Master and the Padawan together, one wouldn't think anything of it. But the duo were opposites. Mace was very uptight, strict, and always followed the rules. A very serious man. Elia on the other hand was pure chaos, stubborn, and was often found breaking the rules. She was as sarcastic as he was serious. This made them quite dynamic, but also allowed for Elia to become one of the best Padawans.

           Master Windu had found her when she was six in the city of Naboo, the girl had been running around with Padme Amidala. They were best friends, and have been ever since. When they tested her for a count of Midichlorians, they found out she had more than Master Yoda himself. Windu took great pride in training the extremely force sensitive child.

                  "Go get cleaned up now, the council wishes to see you after." Master Windu told his blonde Padawan who nodded eagerly.

                  "What for? Am I becoming a Jedi Knight early?" Elia asked Mace, who chuckled at the question.

                    "No, young one. No one gets granted the title of Jedi Knight that early." Mace patted Elia on the shoulder before they went their separate ways. Elia went to her room to shower and change into her nicer Jedi robes for the meeting. While most robes for Jedi were made neutral colors, Elia had chose dark pale shades of green and brown for her robes. With her lightsaber hanging by her waist, and her blonde hair pulled into one long braid, she made her way to the council.

                     "Padawan Stormborn, thank you for joining us." Jedi Master Plo Koon greeted the girl as she stepped into the center of the room.

                      "Going well your training has I hear." Master Yoda complimented.

                    "Training is going well, Elia picks up new material quickly." Master Windu responded, giving Elia a proud smile. "Which is why we are giving you your first mission today." Mace said to her, Elia's face began to stretch wide with a smile. Her eyes lit up.

                     "Thank you, Master. What is my mission?" Elia asked, trying to contain her excitement.

                     "Senator Padme Amidala, who I'm sure you know, is in danger. A hit has been placed on her by an unknown enemy." Master Plo explained, suddenly, Elia did not feel excited. Master Windu sensed her emotions now turning scared and spoke up.

                 "Out of anyone we could assign to this mission ,we picked you. We all agreed you have all the strengths for this mission, and you know the Senator personally. She had been refusing help from us so having you around may make her more open to the help." Master Windu added on. "We will also be assigning Master Kenobi and his Padawan to this mission as well, they helped save her once therefore she can trust them." Windu finished. Elia glanced over at Master Obi-Wan Kenobi giving her a small wave from his chair. She had never spoken to him or his Padawan before. However, she had heard from Mace and other Masters that his Padawan was an absolute pain.

                 "Thank you for trusting me with this mission, I won't let the council down." Elia stood tall and spoke proudly.

                        "Good. The Senator is up in a penthouse, head that way." Mace told the Padawan.

                      "Dismissed from this meeting you are." Yoda gave the girl a nod as she exited the room. Elia left and headed to Padme's chambers. She had not seen the woman in years, it was the one attachment Mace allowed the girl to have. Being that Jedi weren't supposed to have any attachments of any kind. Elia rode the elevator to Padmes room, the doors opened with a ding. Elia walked out the elevator and around the corner to the sitting room. Padme looked over from the balcony at the blonde girl standing in the room now.

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