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THE ride to Naboo was long. Elia had her book open, she was nearly halfway done with it. They had moved spots on the transport ship so Padme could be next to the window, leaving Elia between Anakin and Padme. After an hour or two, Elia felt her self dozing off. Anakin watched as she fell asleep with her book open in her lap. The boy glanced to Padme to see if she was paying attention, to which he saw she was asleep as well, and carefully bookmarked the page Elia's book was open to.

                     These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die, like fire and powder. Which, as they kiss, consume. (excerpt from romeo and juliet by shakespeare)

                      His eyes skimmed the page below him. The whole story seemed to be written poetry, this did not shock him. Elia seemed to be the person who would sit and read pages upon pages of poetry for her free time. Anakin closed the book lightly in her lap, the girl stirred softly. Her eyes briefly flashed open before falling closed and her head fell to Anakin's shoulder. The boy felt as though he had been shocked when she touched him. The Skywalker did not move for the next hour and a half, and when the transport ship landed, Anakin shook the girl gently to wake her.

"Elia, we're here." Anakin said softly, Padme watched from her window seat. She did not actually want the window seat, she only said that so Elia and Anakin could sit by each other. Elia woke with a start, her hand almost automatically going to her waist her her saber. When she realized where she was, a blush crept onto her cheeks as she cleared her throat.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to fall asleep." Elia apologized to Anakin who only shrugged.

"I bookmarked your page for you." He replied to the girl, who quickly opened the book to double check. "You ready to get off this thing?" Anakin asked the two women, Padme nodded as he went to get their bags. Elia nodded eagerly. She had not been to Naboo since she was six years old, to see her home planet again excited Elia.

They unloaded off the ship, blending in with the other refugees. Elia had switched to more neutral, lightweight robes for this trip. Her white blonde hair was pulled back half up out of her face. The trio, and R2, wandered until they found a place to have lunch. It was a dark, dingy looking place for refugees to eat after just getting to the planet of Naboo. They sat around a small table eating quietly.

"Must be difficult..." Padme began suddenly, wiping her mouth like the lady she was. "Having sworn your lives to the Jedi, not being able to visit the places you like, or do the things you like." The Senator said to them, Padme knew how much Elia had missed Naboo but was never allowed to visit.

"Or be with the people we love." Elia added, giving Padme a small smile.

"Do they even allow you to love?" Padme asked the Jedi learners, they both glanced at each other to decide who would answer. "I thought it was forbidden for a Jedi."

"There's loopholes, if you want it hard enough." Elia shrugged, locking eyes with Anakin to let him finish for her as she slurped her soup.

"Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life." Anakin's explained to the woman. Elia was expecting his tone and his face to turn soft and mushy like it did when he spoke to Padme, this time it did not.

"We call those attachments Anchors. There's usually one person in a Jedi's life that that Jedi can use to keep them focused or strong or calm. " Elia added in. When Master Windu had first told her this, she thought Padme was her Anchor. Later on this was proved to be incorrect and that she did not have one yet. Most Jedi do not get their Anchor until they become Masters.

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