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                ANAKIN had gone down to a parking lot for speeders and picked a random yellow one to jump in. Elia followed after him, hopping over the door and into the seat and Anakin started the speeder. He pulled out of the spot and flew it forward, Elia gripped the hand bar on the side. The Padawan's searched for the Jedi Master in the sea of speeders around them.

"Does he jump out of windows often?" Elia joked as she glanced down below them. Flying did not scare her, in fact, she was quite good at piloting.

"All the time." Anakin said back, going along with the joke as she dodged between slower speeders in the car. Elia spotted The Jedi Master free falling ahead of them.

"Anakin!" Elia pointed, Anakin dove for Obi-Wan. Elia's braid began to fall out as the wind whipped her face. Anakin got under Obi-Wan finally and the older man crawled into the back seat.

"What took you two so long?" Obi-Wan shouted at them over the rush of the vehicle.

"Anakin had a hard time picking a speeder he really liked." Elia quipped, Anakin smirked at her remark

"There he is." Obi-Wan pointed for a flying jet ahead of them, Anakin followed after him.

"Oh, you know, I just really needed one with an open cockpit and the right speeding capabilities. And I thought this yellow one looked pretty." Anakin shrugged, causing Elia to laugh.

"If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you do your wit, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman." Obi-Wan said to his Padawan who dove down below the traffic.

"Well if that's true, someone better tell Master Yoda I'm coming for him." Elia chimed in, this earned a chuckle from both Anakin and Obi-Wan. They sped after the assassin, who was diving through head on traffic to lose them. But Anakin was a very determined pilot and dove after them. A large public transport separated the Jedi from the assassin, as Anakin neared the ship quickly.

"Pull up, Anakin. Pull up!" Master Kenobi shouted at his Padawan who laughed loudly at the distress of his Master. The teenager pulled up at the last minute. "You know I don't like it when you do that." The Jedi Master complained.

"Sorry, Master." Anakin said back unapologetically. "I forgot you don't like flying." Anakin smirked as his attention stayed focused on the enemy.

"I don't mind flying but what you're doing is suicide." Obi-Wan quipped, Elia glanced back at the Jedi Master.

"Well, I'm an excellent pilot." Elia told him, flashing him a smile. This did not make him feel any better.

"You're a pilot?" Anakin asked her, his gaze shifting momentarily from the sky in front of him to her side profile. This peeked his interest even more in the Padawan.

"One of the best, as Master Windu would say." Elia replied over the rushing over the wind.

"You can't be, I'm the best." Anakin argued, following the assassin into an energy plant. They shot out their window at a pair of power couplings that were now activated.

"Anakin! How many times have I told you—"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow."

"—stay away from power couplings!" Obi-Wan finished after being electrocuted lightly by the energy. "That was great." The Jedi Master said sarcastically.

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