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                    THE Stormborn Jedi tossed and turned in the small cot. Anakin shuffled to the back to wake her, as they were close to the planet. He heard her soft voice crying out, for him, Obi-Wan, Windu, and others he did not know. Anakin approached her and sat next to her, placing his gloved metal hand to cup her cheek.

                    "Ellie," He called out, stroking away the stray hairs on her face. Elia sat up with a gasp, clutching her saber tightly in hand. "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're safe. You're with me." Anakin whispered, pulling Elia into a tight hug. He felt her racing heart slow back to its normal pace after a few seconds.

                       "It's getting worse." Elia muttered into his shoulder, Anakin pulled away.

                        "We're almost to Tatooine, and then we'll be home. We will find out what's happening." Anakin told his wife firmly. He pulled her by the hand out of the cot and back to the front of the ship. Tatooine came into sight. "I was hoping I'd never have to lay eyes on this dust ball again." He scoffed to himself.

                       "Okay... What happened ?" Ahsoka frowned, Elia shook her head at the young girl.

                       "I don't want to talk about it. How's Stinky?" Anakin moved onto a different subject quickly. Ahsoka looked to Elia in confusion, the older woman simply mouthed you're okay.

                          "He seems to be feeling much better." Ahsoka replied, looking back at the sleeping Hutt. "His fever is gone. Even you have to admit he's cute when he's asleep." Ahsoka smiled softly.

                      "I admit I like him better when he's quiet, but definitely not cute." Anakin said back. "R2, fire up the guns. I want those ready before the deflector shields." Anakin instructed the small bot.

                       "Anakin, how many times do I have to remind you that that plan never works in your favor." Elia sighed, shaking her head. Anakin looked back with a toothy grin.

                        "Hey, you don't need shields if you have a strong defense." Anakin winked at her, Elia's fingers clutched the bridge of her nose. Not long after that statement, the ship was being attacked from behind.

                      "Quite a welcome home party." Ahsoka scoffed, lurching forward in her seat due to impact. R2 beeped loudly from next to Elia.

                       "Prepare for landing, it'll be a rough one." Anakin announced. "Ahsoka, unlock the guns!" He shouted as the enemy ships closed in.

                     "All the guns are locked in the forward position." Ahsoka informed her Master. "It's too bad you decided not to repair the rear deflector shields." She added, narrowing her eyes.

                    "Not now, Ahsoka." Anakin snapped at the girl. "R2, try to unlock those guns!"

                   "Sometimes a good defense is the best offense." Ahsoka quipped once more.

                     "Why don't you go secure your little Huttlet friend?" Anakin brushed her off, his eyes squinting like daggers at his padawan.

                      "None of us are secure with you flying!" Ahsoka cried out, getting out of her chair to get Stinky.

                       "That's it! Enough. Anakin you shoot the guns, I'm flying." Elia kicked her husband out of the pilots seat and into the gunners seat, he wore a scowl as he did what his wife said.

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