Part 7

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The beach at home was beautiful, Wilbur thought with no doubt, but it couldn't compare to the wide-open waves of the sea.

Just leaning against the banister of the boat, Wilbur looked over the ship to star at the waves crashing against the bottom of the ship. His reflection stared back at him, flashing in and out as the movement of the water swept the fake him away. Salt filled the air as the waves vehemently carried the scent all throughout the deck of the boat and back into the ocean air. A breath of fresh life filled his lungs as he took it in deeply and released out his thoughts with a sigh. It was peaceful for him, tranquil even.

To others, it just wouldn't make sense. The noises of passengers onboard beside Wilbur challenged the mighty roar of the water below, shouts and shrills of laughter bouncing off one another in a cacophony. If he paid attention enough, Wilbur could hear the sounds of someone becoming seasick, someone sobbing into another's shoulder, the sound of someone calling out for him back home even. Despite this, he remained at peace. The cradle of the waters below rocked the boat ever so gently and Wilbur found himself following its pattern, swaying as if sync in both body and mind.

He could never place it, but the sea just called to him.

It beckoned him beneath underneath its rough yet serene surface, tempting to pull him down the longer he closed his eyes. If he listened hard enough, he could hear it.

He could hear the song of the sea. He could hear it and it was beautiful.

Eventually, his slender fingers began to tap in time while his head bobbing gently to the beat forming in his heart. At some point, the song became so loud, so charming and alluring, that he couldn't stop himself from joining in. Wilbur began to vocalize, echoing the notes sung to him from below, feeling emotions resonating and settling in his chest. Its familiarity mocked the warmth of a hug from an old friend and superseded that. Something in him guided him through every count of the song, a song he wasn't even sure how he knew the words to.

It served well in distracting him from the pain and hurt he was leaving behind. An image of his brothers standing beside one another, eyes wide and longing staring back at him, flashed in his mind. The warmness guiding him through the song suddenly turned cold as a gasp was released, panicked amber eyes opening to regain their surroundings. Slowly but surely, a crowd had developed around the now nervous young man. Onlookers felt their breath still as the song had abruptly came to an end, the suspension building up suddenly snapping like a wire. Most were quick to clap for him, others slowly watching as if in a trance before eventually joining in. There looked to be people of all ages, shapes, and sizes there to watch him sing. Even some stranger sporting a white mask and dark green tattered cloak. How Odd.

A coin or two were placed beside his guitar case that laid on the deck of the ship. Giving a quick boy to his audience, Wilbur ducked his head before rushing to evade any questions or more interactions. His solace was found in an abandoned corner of the ship, one that went abandoned by his fellow passengers. The small nook of space welcomed him and he welcomed the chance to be alone once again. His fingers began to twirl an emerald bracelet decorating his wrist. 'A friendship emerald' his eldest brother had called it as a birthday gift, for which, he couldn't remember. A small smile graced his face as he eventually went back to staring at the vast ocean ahead of him. It didn't reach his eyes but maybe sometimes it could.

Little by little, slowly yet surely, Wilbur began to forget about the call that echoed his name, the call that blessed him with such a lovely song.


The ship that Wilbur found himself on was destined to stop in the country of Eislons: A country that held a reputation of guiding 'lost souls'. You see, Eislons didn't simply give its inhabitants a simple answer as to what they were looking for. No amount of begging could change that. It had been rumored that it could help guide you through subtle nudges; a broken path sign at the right place, a stranger suddenly appearing out of nowhere, anything really. It was as if the gods above lent a helping hand in showing you your destiny. All answers for those with no clue lied in Eislons.

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