Part 12

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To be perfectly honest, Wilbur still didn't know what he was doing here.

He had spotted a few people on his way to Dream's room where he was currently residing. That pixie, Niki was it?. She had been incredibly polite to him and seemed nice enough. He had read about pixies in books stowed away in Phil's private library. Curiosity had been a killer and when left alone at the house for hours, that library was a place he could find temporary solace in. Seeing her up close had been nothing like what the books depicted that was for sure. And then there were the other two hybrids that while he didn't officially meet, he still saw: a ram-hybrid and enderman hybrid. From the way they joked, it was clear as day that the two had history forged with one another. The smaller of the two was shorter, it was hard to compete with an enderman's height, but was still short in a way that reminded Wilbur of his younger brother. Perhaps they would have been friends if given the opportunity.

Shaking those thoughts out of his head, Wilbur threw himself back into what he was doing. The brunette currently sat on top of Dream's bed supported by plush cushions and blankets resting there. His guitar laid in his arms as his hands worked on tuning the instrument, winding up strings, careful not to make them snap. It's not as if he could suddenly replace a string out of nowhere. One wrong turn and he'd be a goner. The elf in question had disappeared about an hour ago, mentioning something about checking up on everyone and putting away those crystals from before.

It had already been a few hours since they both arrived at Nirvana and still, Wilbur couldn't shake something from the back of his mind.

There was an air here, a feeling. Something felt a bit wrong. It was almost too perfect. The way that everyone seemingly got along, truly cared about one another, and just had fun. Wilbur can't remember the last time where he was just allowed to abandon his worries for a day and just exist. Doing as he pleased was hard when you had to think about who you were affecting. Music was hard to do when you ran the risk of having a noise complaint drop in when you were developing a new chord progression or verse. He wasn't free to sing his heart out to words he'd drone over for hours. Song lyrics would fall upon deaf ears all the while the noise was heard just fine. Was that all he ever was to them? White noise? Something to hear in the background without truly paying attention to it. Wilbur would never know and quite frankly didn't care to find out. Maybe his worries in this place were just a projection of some sort, something he felt justified in saying but just wasn't true.

Be that as it may, this place was going to take some getting used to wasn't it?

The door, it was a curtain so call it a curtain damn it, was pushed open to reveal Dream standing there. He wasn't wearing any of the gear he was before, all bags and weapons were now gone from his being. Now the male was sporting some more casual clothes, the ones from before resting under his arm. The mask still remained though. Wilbur's head snapped up when seeing Dream come into his plain of view. Amber eyes darting to see if anyone else was with him. He offered a meek smile before going back to tuning his guitar, fingers pulling at strings that made no noise.

Will immediately went still, trying the string again to only hear nothing. The shuffling sounds from outside had gone silent. A sense of dread was slowly filling him, wariness growing inside. What was going on with him? Where was his hearing? Why was it gone? Where did it go Where did it go Where did it go Where did it go.

Wilbur blinked a few times to look at the new arrival in the room. Dream's lips were moving, but he couldn't figure out what he was saying. Damn it, if he could just-.


With a click, all of the sounds of the world crushed back into him with a cacophony of different noises and sounds. While he was thankful, that didn't erase the unease dwelling in his mind. This place, this cave, it put him on edge enough as it was. He just hoped this wasn't going to become a common occurrence.

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