Part 21

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"You know, I used to enjoy singing songs too."

Wilbur's head turned to acknowledge the source of the voice. Although, he'd be listening if he didn't fully look anyways.That man was currently the center of his adoration. Well, not the total center of his adoration. He wouldn't dare discredit the love and appreciation he felt for the others back at the cave. Dream especially. The very mention of the man brought a smile to his face, one that he couldn't bear to wipe away even if he wanted to.

But why would he? Dream, Hayden, his siblings, they were some of the best things to ever happen to him. It would feel wrong to try and get rid of them, his memories and feelings for them. Even trying would feel like tearing a part of his soul out, one he couldn't bear to part with. He enjoyed it here in Nirvana.

He didn't want to leave. Not now, not ever.

"Really now? Were you any good?" Will asked, eager to learn more as he adjusted himself on the grass below him.

Hayden played with some of the string lights draped against the nearest tree's bark. They jangled with the sounds of bells attached to them, swaying in the faint draft that amused and entertained his room. An amused chuckle left him, happy to indulge the childlike wonder before him. "Yeah, I think myself to be pretty decent at it. Considering I used to make a living off of it. I still happen to know quite a few songs."

Barely withholding a faint gasp, the siren adjusted himself properly yet again. Damn uncomfortable ground. His head rested in the lap of the sorcerer, head tilted up to look at him with curiosity evident in his eyes. "Do.. do you mind?" He asked, unable to truly finish the question without becoming embarrassed.

A question understood, it seemed. Because with another small sound of amusement and the shuffling of their position, Hayden slowly began to hum, his voice growing in volume as he became more confident in the direction his pitch and tone were in.

"..When I was a child, I'd sit for hours
Staring into open flame
Something in it had a power
Could barely tear my eyes away"

Hayden's voice remained clear as it did all those years ago, a soft yet textured feeling to it that scratched all of the itches in his own brain. The song in it of itself began to worm its way into Will's heart. It felt special, in a way. Something shared between them although he was confidently sure several others had heard it prior to him. But still, at the same time it felt heart warming. To have a special experience with someone who cared about you in such a genuinely familial way. Like a dad should. He had been missing out for so many years on something like this, it was almost unfair.

"All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash"

But as the singing continued, he found himself growing farther. As if his body was drifting away further from where it had once previously sat down. The voice of the sorcerer clouded into mindless and dirty muddles as new voices began to fester and formulate in its absence.

'Wake up young soul! Too stray you are becoming.'
'Abandon the comfort you find in the darkness.'
'Leave your shackles of false hopes! Before it becomes too late!'

His head moved around to search for where the once familiar voices came from. Ones that would haunt the brief spells of sleep that he was granted in the eventful weeks that he had been having. A scratchy skin crawling feeling began to grow under his skin, something no amount of moving nor scratching could relieve him from. But this wasn't a nightmare, was it? No, no this was a good dream. Right! A good one.

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