Part 16

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Gasping, Wilbur's shocked eyes shot open with a golden flash before returning to their normal amber hue.

When Wilbur woke up, he swore that he felt like he had been thrown down a flight of stairs.

The night before after they had all gone to bed, tired from the day's excitement. Everyone had said their 'goodnight's and 'see you in the mornings. Something about it rang nostalgic for Wilbur, seeing the way everyone acted with one another.

They really did act like a family here. A part of him was still amazed by it. It just felt oddly correct. Going to bed that night, Wilbur found that he wouldn't have minded staying there with them all. Of course, he would need more time to get to know everyone. From what he got though, they all seemed like genuinely good people. People that were also seriously interesting. He had never seen hybrids like them. They all had such amazing talents and personalities. Wilbur found himself paling in comparison.

Thoughts of his conversation with Hayden ran rampant through his mind once again as he reminded himself:

"You're something extraordinary Wilbur, it's time you see that too."

That's right. He was special. He was something! He didn't need to beat himself up anymore, he didn't need to cry at the thought of his worthlessness anymore because finally, he could be worth something!

That night Wilbur had gone to bed with sweet dreams and hopes but woke up to face the most tedious and annoying headache he had ever experienced.

Fighting against gravity and pulling himself out of bed, Wilbur found himself in the spare room they had allowed him to stay in. He blinked a few times, his eyes flashing from amber to gold, amber to gold, before eventually settling on amber once again. Rubbing his temples did nothing to soothe his head. This was sometimes Wilbur never had to deal with before. At least back there he always had Phil or Techno to help him when he was sick. But those were just common colds and at most the flu.

"Yes, the change. From my readings, it's something all Siren hybrids go through."

Oh, right. The change.

What exactly was he expecting? It wasn't like he knew what was going to happen. In fact, he didn't know anything. He didn't know a damn thing and here he was, sitting in a strange land he was unfamiliar with amongst even stranger people.

The ethereal feeling of running away was slowly but surely becoming sullen as time continued.

No one here really knew him. They didn't know who he was. How he had a dislike for freezing cold weather. How at one point he needed glasses so bad he almost walked into a ravaging river. How he used to be so scared of being left alone, he couldn't bear to leave Phil's side for weeks. Any of them for that matter.

Maybe that part of him didn't die when he left. Maybe it stayed and maybe, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he made a mistake when he decided to leave home. The stubbornest parts of him begged to differ, saying that leaving was for the best and it would only help him grow. Another whispered sweet words that pierced his heart: "You want to be in Techno's embrace yet again", "You want to laugh and play around with Tommy again", and "You want your father to tell you everything's alright".

A part of him wept.

A part of him wanted to go home.

A part of him wanted to stay.

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