Part 18

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"Two birds and a pig. How odd."

Looking at each other, the Caddels were quick to assess the situation. There were seven of them to account for in front of them. And judging by the pure smugness radiating from their mugs, these seven must have been responsible for the destruction and chaos that burst from what used to be the now burning club.

The one who spoke stood at the front of the group and was undoubtedly the shortest of the group. He has long ram horns in his head, shining and- wait was that blood?

"They don't look like much, to be honest. That older one looks like he'd pass away if you blew at him strong enough," Sapnap joked, gaining a few laughs from the rest. He looked around as he played with small flames, dancing about his palm. Ah, so that's who started the fire. Great. An Arsonist.

" Now what? They're standing there. They're just itching for a fight aren't they?" Eret asked, resting a hand on their hip as their foot tapped repeatedly.

A new voice entered the fray.

"We do what we do best; divide and conquer. Enderwalk is with Saytr on the younger bird, Monarch and PixieDust should get the older one. You have the sky advantage. Everyone else, slaughter the pig. Got it?" Instructed Dream, walking out the broken club doors, avoiding the rubble with great care.

Phil's eyes narrowed onto Dream, as did Tommy's and Techno's. He must have been their leader. Reason dictates it would be him with how easy addressing orders to the others. More importantly... "What kind of fucking names are Monarch and Enderwalk?" Tommy whispered to his father and brother, eyes still trained on the group in front of him.

"They're probably codenames, Tommy. To keep their identities a secret," reasoned Phil as he began to hover, wings flapping in the air.

"Well they sound stupid," Tommy grumbled as he looked at the group. Enderwalk and Satyr huh? Taking a wild guess, he assumed they were the enderman and the goat hybrid. Knowing just how kindly his species would take the water, Tommy looked around and made a mental note of dashing off towards the nearest lake. His grip on his ax became tighter as he began to rotate his wrist, stretching and preparing.

"Oh? And where's your precious Sour Note, huh Nightmare?" Asked George, stepping forward as he cracked his knuckles before adjusting his goggles. The rest behind him chuckled amongst themselves, looking at their leader for an answer.

"Tes- Sour Note is enjoying himself. As he should be able to. He hasn't had the fortune of doing this as long as we have. Now.." his attention turned towards the three who were no longer there. Instead, they had all split up running in their own directions. Shit. With a snap of his fingers, the groups split up with their own individual targets.

The first pair on their way were Ranboo and Tubbo. The former would teleport out, checking out a few areas before returning to Tubbo. It was only when he saw a red feather placed on the ground that he cracked a grin. He ended up teleporting back to the goat, crouching down to whisper into his ear about his most recent finding. Returning with a smirk, Tubbo whispered something back, eager to create a plan.

With that, the enderman picked up the smaller and teleported them both to a few different locations before eventually finding Tommy waiting nearby a lake. He looked upset? But not in the 'oh no, I'm gonna die!' Way. More like 'they better hurry up, this is taking too long' way. He tapped his foot as he waited, finally perking up when he saw the duo.

"Fucking finally, you two take forever-!"

Tommy had his words cut off as once the two landed, the enderman was spinning around, seining the goat hybrid. Eventually, he let go, sending a Tubbo flying towards Tommy. He even managed to do a couple of flips and cartwheels before landing a blow-dead smack in the center of his stomach. While he didn't get punctured by the now huge ass horns, they hurt quite a fucking bit. Not only did it send him flying, but it also sent the ax in his hand away and into the water.

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