Part 11

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One thing was for sure, Wilbur definitely didn't enjoy enderpearl travel.

It was the morning after the shared encounter between Dream and Wilbur. Their late-night discussion left many questions unanswered while bringing up several new ones. Ones that they collectively hoped would be solved once they reached wherever the former would be taking the two. The morning dew was ripe on the plants that inhabited the empty space. Luckily for the two of them, the rain from last night had ceased while they were in their sleep. Waking up to a shiny morning definitely intensified Wilbur's good mood; what a disaster waking up to grey storm clouds would have been for the brunette.

With their campfire squashed out and belongings collected, the pair exited the tunnel of the amphitheater but not before Wilbur said goodbye. Realistically, he knew he could return whenever he wanted to. Freedom was something he had a surplus amount of and didn't foresee losing for quite a while. Yet, it would feel rude not to say any parting words, words that he could quite form. Instead, a hand found its way onto the arch of the tunnel as its owner rested his forehead against it, eyes closed with a faint smile. 'I'll be back someday,' he told the ghost of what was once a life-filled performance space. In return, Wilbur felt a surge of warmth approach him, wind blowing all around him, encircling him before disappearing. That same smile on his face grew as he opened his eyes. It felt endearing, supporting. It felt like the hug of someone from the past-no, not just one hug, several different hugs all at once. Call him a fool, but it felt like possible past ancestors wishing him good luck and giving him approval. It was a silly idea to play along with the whole siren thing but why not indulge himself every once in a while? Oh, how he needed that.

"You ready to go?" Called out Dream who was standing at the end of the tunnel, hands cupped together to make more noise. One of those hands extended itself, extending itself to Wilbur as if to say 'Join me. Destiny awaits' or something cheesy like that. A small chuckle was released as he went to catch up with the man at the end of the tunnel.

"Here I am my knight in shining green armor."

Dream let out a small sound of amusement as he retracted his hand and fished through one of the compartments in his bag."That's going to stick around?"

"Oh definitely, it's too good to pass up. Picture it," Wilbur paused to spread his hands apart. "Dream the knight. Accompanied by yours truly."

"Does that mean you get to be the princess I rescue in the end and marry?" It was a tease, they both knew this. That didn't stop Wilbur from sputtering out words, small curses flying from his lips with no real malice to them.

"Tough shit but I don't think that will happen. What's that phrase, "there are other fish in the sea?" Right?"

"You do realize you called yourself a fish, right?" Dream mimicked back as he readjusted his hood onto his head, his ears giving a twitch before being hidden by the green cloak. The two of them strolled out of the area of the theatre and into another forest clearing. Images of the elf briefly disappeared before reappearing scattered across the field before eventually returning back to Wilbur's side. "Alright. Now that I know where we are and where we are going we can start pearl hopping." Dream began to fasten all of the bags that were on his body as Wilbur titled his head in confusion.

"Pearl hopping? What in the bloody hell is that?" Wilbur asked as he couldn't help but subconsciously do the same, making sure everything on his person was strapped on him and was done so securely. He had a gut feeling that he knew what Dream was already talking about but it didn't stop him from asking. "It's kind of simple but at the same time, it isn't. I also wouldn't expect you to know since, well, I made this strategy up myself."

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