Part 10

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So... You ran away?" Dream asked, his hands swirling around a slim dagger he seemingly pulled from nowhere. The quick motion brought out a flinch from Wilbur but didn't bring him to his feet. His tone remained light and a bit carefree, nothing tense or restraining present. 'I'm safe, for now' Wilbur decided as he watched the stranger in front of him. The campfire between them flickered back and forth illuminating their faces as they sat together on the stage of the theatre.

The campfire they made was a small one, one that could only really support just the both of them. They had their respective sleeping areas across the stage. After all, they had only just met one another. That and it wasn't in exactly the best way either. It was safe to say that neither one of them trusted one another just yet. Despite this, they sat beside one another, each with their respective meals.

Wilbur supplied a nod, his eyes trained on the fire in front of him as he searched for words. They had broken into a conversation a while back when the silence shared between them became too much for Dream.

When it became clear the both of them would be spending a few more hours in each other's company, the masked man asked Wilbur a few questions. Nothing more than small conversation starters at first. 'What's your favorite color? What do you think of this place?' And etc. Of course, Wilbur supplied and demanded just as easily, meeting the man word for word. 'It's yellow, back where I'm from we had thousands of yellow primroses and they were oh so beautiful. Shame, I kind of miss them now.' and 'The theatre is one of my favorite places on earth. I feel at home with it, you know. You?' and so on and so forth.

At some point, the two began to slip into a more heartfelt conversation. It wasn't one where the former was sobbing their heart out in desperation while the latter consoled them. Nothing at all. The pair simply began to talk about their reasons for coming to Eislons. Nothing shared was relayed in exact detail, neither of them could know what they were saying was true after all. It's not like they planned to see more of each other after this night. What was the harm? Dream was just another Mona waiting to happen; Someone who he'd forget all about in a week.

Sensing the remaining tension and how they danced around starting, Dream took the first leap. Trusting Wilbur, to him at least, wasn't proving that hard. It wasn't as if he helpless or anything, the bow resting at his side proved it. The way he almost shot him with no hesitance earlier at the cliffside proved that. His willingness to listen to Dream at their makeshift campgrounds and not leave spoke volumes to him. Not only that, there was just... an air around Wilbur. One that made him just so interesting. It alluded him, leaving him in a state where couldn't put his finger on it.

In the brief moments they had spent together, Wilbur had demonstrated charisma, intellect, and overall presence that he had never felt anywhere else. It was something he wanted to keep a hold of just for a bit longer if he could. Selfish? Of course, he knows that. But he knows it's all he can hope for. For that to happen though, Wilbur's trust was essential. Small details wouldn't hurt, it wasn't like he was explaining a tragic backstory.

"I'm heading home," Dream began. "I was out on a mission because my, I guess you could call them my parent, needed. They were planning to go but they said they had business to attend to. Naturally, I offered myself to go. Here," Dream paused to scoot over towards his belongings, shuffling through some bags.

Eventually, Dream produced a sack full of different sized lilac crystals. They carried a slight magenta sheen over them, constantly radiating and illuminating their faces as they looked at them. Wilbur's eyes slightly widened, his breath almost getting stuck in his throat. 'They're stunning' he thought to himself, blinking a few teams before leaning away from the bag. It went unspoke that the crystals clearly held some form of importance to Dream, the way he showed the bag's contents his knuckles turned white gripping them. Wilbur didn't need to make the man feel more uncomfortable with leaning over it.

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