The start of everything

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Class 1-A was currently in the meeting room with the top heroes Hawks, Endeavour, Mirko, their teachers Aizawa, All Might and the principal of UA Nezu.

"Thank you all for coming, you might be asking yourself why I called you here." Nezu said "Isn't it because of the attack that we're planning ohn the villains?" Sero asked and Nezu shook his head "there is a threat I want you to take care of" he said seriously witch actually made them worried because Nezu almost never was this serious even while talking about the league of villains so this had to be really serious.

"well to make it short we have a god on the loose and he could potentially destroy the whole city." Nezu said and Bakugou scoffed "god's don't exist, you're just making shit up." everyone looked at him and Kirishima asked "how do you know god's don't exist?" Bakugou rolled "there's no use for gods in this society, everyone has a quirk."

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Bakugou but gods do exist and in this case if we aren't able to stop him everyone of us will seize to exist." "and how are we supposed to defeat this individual?" Todoroki asked and the principal smiled and said "with the help of these people." and right in that moment the door bursted open surprising the heroes there.

Then three people entered the room "Hello, you must be the Armed Detective Agency." The blonde haired nodded "I'm Doppo Kunikida, this is Atsushi Nakajima and that is Osamu Dazai." Nezu nodded and said "please do take a seat." the detectives nodded and sat down.

"As I was saying we don't know much about him we know his qirk which is controlling gravity" As Nezu said that most of the people in the room looked at Uraraka who put her hands up "it's not me." she said knowing what they were thinking "we even know his name wich is Arahabaki." At that Dazai chocked on the water he was drinking, falling on the ground coughing and Atsushi was fast to assist him.

After about a minute he was fine and he sat back down with his arms crossed muttering "why does everyone go after him? He's just a small chibi." Everyone looked at him but then went back to the discussion they were having "Please do scout the city to search for him it may be possible that he will search for a fight so be prepared, we'll meet back at the usual cafè." Nezu said and everyone nodded going out.

The dekusquad had been put in Hawks' group as they walked down the city Uraraka asked "Why are we meeting back at a cafè, wouldn't it be better if we met at UA?" Hawks nodded "It would probably be better but I think it's because he likes the tea there." The others nodded not completely sure about what to think about that.

"We should start searching for this Arahabaki guy." The others nodded then Momo had an idea and she went to a passerby "excuse me, do you purhaps know someone named Arahabaki?" as soon as the civilian heard the name her eyes widened in horror and fear and said a 'no.' hurriedly walked away. All the heroes were confused at what had happened but continued scouting the area.

Dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi ended up in group with Tokoyami, Shoji, Hagakure and Aoyama. Suddenly Dazai went in a parki and set on a bench "Dazai what do you think you're doing?" Kunikida asked "resting." he answered "WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO REST WE NEED TO FIND ARAHABAKI!" Kunikida yelled "chill out, plus it doresn't matter how much we search for him we'll never find him" Dazai said confusing everyone

"what do you mean by that?" Atsushi asked "are you implying that he doesn't exist?" Tokoyami asked "no, on the contrary I'm 100% sure he exists and the reason why we won't find him going around like this is because nobody heard from him in the last 5 months" Dazai said.

Yes, no one had heard from Chuuya for the last 5 months some say he died by someone's hand some others said he left the Port Mafia, that he killed himself or that he was captured by an organization and being held hostage, well there were many rumors going on in the underground organizations.

"How do you know that?" Shoji asked "I know everything." he answered and Kunikida rolled his eyes "so what are we gonna do now?" Hagakure asked "we're going to the café!" Dazai exclaimed suddenly full of energy.

Hawk's squad was tired, they had searched everywhere, every alley, every abandoned house, every street yet they hadn't found anything, not even a clue, they were now making their way to the cafe "this was a complete waste of time" Uraraka said "Uraraka you shouldn't complain, we're doing hero work so it's obvious that it won't always be exiting" Iida said as they entered the café to find that it was empty and a person was sitting behind the counter drawing on a copybook.

They went up to the guy who looked up at them "hello, we have a reservation..." He wasn't able to finish that the guy pointed to the left and said "the door that's behind the corned" Hawks nodded and made their way in where they found Nezu ordering from the tablet in front of him."

Dazai was happy that they finally arrived at the cafè but when he entered he didn't expect to see Chuuya at the counter preparing coffee but he ignored it knowing that it could somehow end exposing him being Abaharaki, fortunately the other two didn't recognize him.

They walked in the direction Chuuya had pointed in without even looking at them which you could see the class 1-A students thought it was rude but it was probably because they wanted to get recognized as heroes but even thought he looked at the he wouldn't have such a reaction.

When they entered they found all the groups already there "It surely took you time getting here" Endeavour said annoyed but he was ignored, after they all ordered they sat down "so, how did your research go?" Nezu asked most of them answered with a 'bad' but when they arrived to Dazai answered with "we didn't search for him." and everyone was shocked by how randomly he said it.

"What do you mean you didn't look for hi that was the only thing you had to do!" Mirko said angry "listen here the last time someone heard from him it was five months ago, not to talk about the fact that more than half of the organizations are after him, for all we know he could be dead right now." Dazai said, Nezu smiled "You and I both know he's not dead and hasn't been captured by anyone, he's normally living his life" Dazai glared at him "then why are you after him in the first place?"

"he's dangerous" "you don't know that." "he's caused destruction before he could do it again" "your heroes cause destruction but they don't look classified as dangerous to me." At that point everyone in the room was watching the two and fortunately they were interrupted by someone entering the room, Chuuya put everything on the table and the left.

The two were staring at each other untill Atsushi broke the silence "Dazai-san, how can you be so sure that Arahabaki doesn't mean harm?" Dazai looked at him "how can all of you be sure he causes trouble, how can you can call yourself heroes if you want to tear away someone's life?" Dazai said and Deku suddenly said "Dazai-san do you perhaps know something the rest of the people in this room don't know?" Before Dazai could answer a scream was heard. 

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