5 - The Funeral Of The Lady Of The Sea

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I loved Dragonstone. I loved the white beaches and my pretty room. I loved the huge library and throne room. I loved Dragonstone much more than Kings Landing. I was happy there.

But we were going to Driftmark for lady Laena's funeral. She was the wife of the prince Daemon Targaryen. I was saddened by the news. I didn't know her very well, but at their visits, she was always very kind and lovely and her daughters were just like her. Although prince Daemon was not as kind, he was scary.

The funeral was rather uncomfortable. Everyone was staring at me and my brothers. Lord Vaemond even disrespected us during the ceremony, but prince Daemon started chuckling and turned all of the attention to him. It made me scared of him even more, he dared to giggle at his own wife's funeral.

After the ceremony my father was nowhere to be found and it scared me, that his sister's loss might eat him alive. I wanted to find him and comfort him, but mother told me to give my condolences to Baela and Rhaena. The girls were lost and heartbroken. They will forever have to live with the fact, that their mother was dead and nothing will bring her back.

I hugged the girls and held their hands with Jace and Juke, I did a much better job, also whispering words of comfort in their ears. They were so sweet, they didn't deserve to lose their mother. I wouldn't ever stop crying if I lost my mother, but they wouldn't be tears of sadnes, they would be tears of anger.

They were much stronger than me. My brothers left, but I stayed. Baela looked at me and said "Thank you," in a shaky whisper. "You shouldn't thank me, everyone here should do the same, but they won't. I can't imagine what you are going through and I wish never to experience it. But If I were you, I would not be sad. I would be angry. Death took your mother away from you, so you will spit death right in the face. Make Death pay, for taking your mother." I told them, squeezing their hands. The girls looked at me with hope. Hope that now they know what to do. They wiped their tears and nodded their head at me. They were willing to avenge their mother.

When I left the girls' side, prince Daemon noticed me and approached me. I wanted to run away, I was never fond of the rouge prince, especially now, when he showed disrespect to his dead wife. He stopped me with his hand and slightly smiled at me, but I didn't know whether the smile was honest or out of pure evil. That's the way he smiled, you never know if it's good or bad.

"Don't be afraid, Jaerionna" he told me in his low and deep voice. I couldn't look at him, so instead I looked at the floor. He lowered himself so he could look me in the eyes. "I heard you were a smart and dreamy girl. You have no reason to fear me and you know it. I'm just as much of a dragon as any Targaryen. You too." "I don't have a dragon" I whispered in a slightly shaky voice. I finally looked him in the eyes and he was staring at me with fire in his eyes, the way he looked at everyone. But I think this time the fire that was burning in his supposed black soul, behind his eyes was loving blue rather than fiery red, when he looked at me.

"Dragons are not the reason of our true nature. You are just as much of a dragon as me, wether you have one, or not. The dragons that we claim, are not the reason of our own fire." He chuckled and I blushed feeling silly for my words said earlier. I nodded my head and he finally let me go, seeing that I was still not willing to speak with him more. He walked to his daughters and started comforting them.

I liked what he said. I felt proud of who I was. I understood there and then, that just because I didn't have a dragon, it didn't mean that I was of less worth than my brothers. For me to be a part of the house of the dragon, didn't require having one. I liked that. It made me feel almost special, because I could burn without a dragon.

I walked to the part of my family I haven't yet said hello to. Alicent and her children. I already greeted the king and we had a pleasant conversation. My grandsire loved me and I loved him with all my heart. He was so wise and he loved sharing his wisdom with me. I always listened to him and so I learned so many things from him.

I walked to my aunt Haelena, she was squatting on the ground and held a spider in her hands. I squatted next to her and said hello, she said it back, then we watched the spider in silence for some time, until my uncles interrupted our peace.

"You two are so weird sitting on the ground, watching spiders. Gods, why am I even surprised anymore." Aegon laughed at us. I rose from the ground like an eagle and stared at him in anger. "Me and your sister are not wierd, you are just too plain and boring to understand our freedom and dreaminess. But I don't blame you, I pity you, you will never understand our freedom, dreams, silence and peace." I hissed at him. Aemond snorted a little, but covered it as well as he could. He didn't want me to know that he thought I was funny. Aegon rolled his eyes and walked off to a cupbearer and took a cup of wine from the woman, also checking her out. His eyes lingered on her butt and chest far too long, for anyone's liking.

I looked to Aemond, but he only rolled his eyes and walked off, I wanted to run to him and ask him to go for a walk at the beach together. But I already knew that he would've only made fun of me and go spend time with his mother.

So I wandered around the open and large balcony until it got dark and I was sent to bed. I had to share a room my brothers and cousins. Bealla and Rheana asked me to sing them a lullaby, like their mother always did, so I sang one in old valyrian, one my mother always sang.

When all of them were asleep, I went to bed myself. But my dreams didn't last long, as I was awoken by the fussing in the room and by Rhaena's arm pulling on mine. They told me someone was stealing their mother's dragon. Which sounded humorous to me. How can one steal a dragon? And who would be stupid enough to go near a dragon like Vhagar?

We ran to one of the many large doors that lead to the dangers outside. And when we stopped in the dimly lit hallway we all saw a shadow walking towards us, a shadow of a boy. A shadow I knew all to well. And then I saw him, proud of himself, with a cocky smirk plastered on his round face. He just got a dragon. And now I was left alone.


Okay, I know, I know. I'm an awful writer, I left my book for so long. But it's only because I had no ideas for this one and my other book seemed to have more potential. But don't be afraid, I have not forgotten this one and I will start to update it more, cause I have a few ideas in mind. I will try to work on this book, just as much as my other book. Also, if you haven't checked out my other book yet, it's great and I think it has a lot of potential, so I would be grateful if anyone read it too, it's called "The Bronze Queen". Thank you and I hope you liked it

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