16 - Soft Skin, Lost Fathers And Everything That's Complicated

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It was a few months after that day at the beach, oh that glorious day, the day of my first kiss. And we did steal a few kisses after that, but they were sloppy and more just quick pecks, rather than actual make outs. But this morning was different.

"Tilt your head." Aemond whispered and I did as he said. His soft lips touched mine own, I placed my hand on his cheek and his cold nose brushed againt my nose. We were getting much better at this, even if Aemond was insisting that it was I who didn't know how to this. But I liked kissing him, however now we weren't kissing, we were making out, he was teaching me how to kiss better. Or as he called it "having new and better experiences".

He was good at this, he knew what to do and when to do, whereas I knew nothing, and that made me worry and for many good reasons, firstly I wasn't good, what did that made him think of me? Of course, when asked he said that it was sweet and he wanted to show me this world, but I still worried. And secondly, how did he know all this? When I tried to ask him that day at the beach, it truly upset him and I didn't want him sad, but still it made me think, his brother is Aegon the whore himself, perhaps it was his fault and with the coldness in his eye it wasn't a good experience.

But I didn't dare ask, Aemond was a mysterious person, it seemed as if a shadow always clutched to him, as if there was more to discover, the best thing was that he allowed me to discover at least a little bit about him. He was a harsh and hard man, a cruel one some might say, he has sharpened the knife that is his knowledge since he was a mere boy running around with wooden swords. His presence is demanding and nagging, even if it was unintentional, he wasn't a soft, innocent creature. But I suppose in a world like ours no one is, even I, when I slashed his eye, showed madness and animal like cruelty, perhaps none is truly soft and tender. But everyone can be, such as Aemond, a person of no emotion and coldness can be tender and sweet, changing and shifting like a chameleon when with me.

Like now, we were sitting on his bed, tangled into one another, naked kisses and hard, calloused hands caressing one other's soft skin. He held me in his firm grasp and kissed my shallow, swollen lips. "Don't be scared, I'm going to do something new." he warned me as caught my breath. "What? What are you going to do?" I asked confused. "Just trust me. Now open your mouth and close your eyes." I looked at him like he was crazy. "What do you plan to do with my mouth? Cause I like it, don't do anything to my mouth, please." I pleaded. "I won't do anything to your mouth. I need you to trust me." He held my hands in his. "Okay." I sighed. "But I'm not doing anything weird." And I did as he said, even if it sounded insane. He got closer to me and I felt him breath softly into my cheek.

Oh Gods, oh Gods. That's his tongue, that's his tongue, that's his tongue. His lips were on mine and he slid his tongue into my mouth and slithered it on my own one, as I gasped into his mouth. I was so shocked and pleased at the same time that I thought my mind would explode from all the emotions felt at once. I pulled away from him and he looked at me with worry, as if asking didn't I like it. "Gods, Aemond, that was your tongue!" I gasped out of breath. "Yes, I know didn't you like it?" he looked at me with a questioning look. "Oh, trust me dear, I loved it. But you could've warned me." I admitted blushing. "Hm." he smirked at me with his usual charming smirk and I melted.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him like a tree and he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me into his lap. His arms stayed there and I laid my head in the crook of his shoulder, as he rubbed circles on my back. We stayed like that for a long time, just breathing into one another, resting. Until it was time for us to go have lunch together. He slowly unwrapped his arms and slid out of bed, offered me a hand and helped me down the soft mattress that I wished could hold us both forever.

We walked to the dining hall hand in hand, and once we entered the cold room, a person I missed dearly stood there. The rogue prince himself, my new father. "Father!" calling him that came naturally to me, he did take care of me and he did love me like a father loved his daughter. At first it was weird and complex, but I needed a father and Daemon was there. It was easy for me to trust him, sometimes I'm naive and even if I was afraid of him at first, I started accepting him and soon acceptance became love. He was a simple, yet complex man. He greatly reminded me of Aemond, they were similar, yet so different at the same time.

I ran into his expanded hands and felt at home. In truth I clung on Daemon so fast not because he was a great man, or because I did love him, it was because a girl needs a father and he was the best the world could offer me at the time. He brought me comfort and a sense of fatherly loving arms, a chuckle from my silly worryings and he protected me, he wanted to keep me safe and that was all I wanted. My love for him came from desperation and loss, it came from the loss of my two fathers, of my true father, whose blood runs in my veins and the father that loved me and cared for me, much like Daemon. And that was okay. He filled the void that was so empty from the great loss of Harwin Strong and Laenor Velaryon, and perhaps I filled the void that was left of his wife's stillborn. I couldn't have been Laena, or his unborn son, but I could be me, a support and a little helpless beast he so needed.

"ñuha zaldrītsos, eman missed ao sīr olvie." He whispered in my ear as I became still in his big, fatherly hands I so craved. He let go of me and I smiled at him. "Nyke missed ao tolī, kepa." He brushed a loose strand of hair from my face and led me to the table, where I sat next to him, on my other side sat Aemond and in front of Aemond sat Marketti, my mother sat beside Daemon and in front of me sat a sad, little creature with a green glare. The Queen Alicent. She loathed me, that much I knew, it seemed she hated me more with every passing day.

"My little dragon, I have missed you so much" "I missed you too, father"

As we all dined together as a family an anguish crept on me, I worried all the time these days. I started praying everyday for some sign that the Gods won't abandon me and will send me some sign, any beacon of light that shall teach me how to survive, but they only sent me dreams and strange animals and visions. Crows started following me, they croak every time I go outside and I hear babes crying even when none are around, when I don't hear some strange sobbing of mythical children I hear judgeful laughter, that sounds much like the Queens. I fear I may go insane, but perhaps this was just a phase, I hope.

Alicent's glare burned into my skull and I slowly found Aemond's hand that was resting beside his plate. He joined our hands and tangled our fingers together lifting our hands off of the table and allowing them to dangle free and unseen. He will protect me. He will stick with me. We are sticking together.

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