12 - Three Friends In The Land Of Dragons Are Destined For Dissaster

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It was already the middle of the last moon of my time in Dragonstone. I loved every second of it. Although it seemed that my mother was rather annoyed by my dragon. I took Bloodsmoke everywhere. I never allowed the dragon keepers to take her away, she was mine. We slept together in my bed and ate breakfast together with my family, we went on walks and read books together. She was always curled on my shoulder.

But she was growing fast. In a few moons she grew twice her size. It was getting harder to keep her on my body, so she flew around me like my personal bodyguard.

My dreams of magic became an every night thing and so every time I woke up, I wrote everything down to not forget it.

I dreamed of different spells and offerings, I also dreamed of what they did. I tried some of them and all of them worked. I started asking for weirdest things, like spices, candles, lambs, meat, honey, wine, oil, silks, jewels, furs, feathers and sometimes even animal blood. At first, people were concerned for my wishes, they of course didn't dare to ask, but later on they got used to it. I did my spells in secret, but the supplies were getting harder and harder to find. But one thing I was sure of - I was a witch. A dragon witch.

Marketti and I soon became great friends. As the only girls of the same age in the castle, Marketti, I and Rhaena had lots of fun. Our friendship grew stronger within every day, we always spent our days together, much to my brothers' joy. They loved teasing us about it, they said that we are glued to one another, I only shot back that it's them who are glued to one another.

We usually spent our days in the gardens, curled around one another, laying with Marketti's snakes and my dragon. Or we read books together, Marketti didn't really like reading, but she loved stories, so she insisted I would read to her. The three of us drank tea and ate cake almost every day. Sometimes we went swimming, Marketti would remember the water gardens in her castle, Rhaena the tides of Driftmark and I enjoyed the cold, salty and harsh waves.

I taught them many things, like writing better, some high valyrian, history, philosophy, geography, many songs and dances, whilst Marketti taught us of self defense, how to have fun, fashion and love things. She loved gossips and made the servants her own spies. She knew many things about flirting and seducing men even at her young age, she learned everything from her older sisters and also enlightened us.

Marketti was magnificent. She was beautiful, yet simple. All her beauty was effortless. She always wore silk dresses of warm orange, red, pink and yellow colours, and golden jewelry all around her body. Her father, whom loved more than anything and called her his sun, sent her dresses, Dornish sweets, jewels, daggers and many more things every week.

"You know I can't wait to go to Kings Landing!" Marketti exclaimed, whilst we were drinking tea in the gardens.

"I have never been in Kings Landing. Tell us, is it as amazing as everyone makes it sound?" Rhaena asked in wonder and sweetened dreams.

"It's not as great as everybody makes it look. The queen is stuck up, the king is sick and spends most of his days in his room, Aegon is annoying and Aemond is... well I don't even know how to describe our relationship. Although Helaena is amazing, such a sweetheart, she takes likening to bugs and spends her days in the gardens." I told them with a smug smile.

Marketti shouldn't get her hopes up, Kings Landing, despite being bigger and with a bigger population, was boring in my opinion and Dragonstone was much better for me.

"Well you only say that because you never were there with us." Marketti laughed. "We are going to have so much fun! And you have a dragon now, your uncles won't bother you anymore."

"Rhaena, won't go to Kings Landing, Daemon forbids it, even though I begged him to let me take you." I sighed sadly and took a bite of my cinnamon roll.

"And also, Aegon will bother me anyway, he bothers everyone. And Aemond is a bit of a loner, he doesn't really let me in."

"Well you did take his eye." Marketti narrowed her eyes at me with a raised brow, whilst Rhaena snickered loudly, even if she was the reason we got in the fight, in the first place.

"Marketti! I didn't mean to, it was an accident!" I defended myself.

"Well you are going to be married, you need to make him fall for you." Rhaena leaned back in her chair and sipped her mint tea.

I lifted my own cup and drank its contents. "And how do I do that? I have no idea how to seduce males, that's Marketti's sphere! You make all the boys fall for you and make them all tacky and vulgar, they lose their charm. And Aemond is not ruined yet, he has charm, but he doesn't even know it."

"How can he have charm if he ignores you?" Marketti looked at me, slightly offended by my comment.

"It's the mystery that makes him charming. You don't know anything about him. He is a secret, a secret I wish to find out and that means to tarnish and ruin!" I stated my thoughts.

"Well you won't be able to find out that secret, because you don't know anything about him, so you can't make him fall for you." Marketti said in a tone, close to scolding me.

"The boy is a dragonstealer, he has no right to have such a great wife as Jaerionna! He should be happy and make her fall in love with him, not the other way around!" Rhaena folded her arms and lifted her head, as if showing that it's final.

"When Bloodsmoke grows up, we will run away to the free cities. I always admired Volantis, Qarth and Meereen. Those pyramids and stone buildings must be the prettiest sights of all. And no Kings Landing, Dragonstone, Highgarden, or Winterfell compares to it." I changed the subject.

"I adore the free cities. Dresses there are the prettiest. And there are so many delicious fruits and sweets, like dates, or mangos." Marketti shared her knowledge.

"Yes! We will travel around the world! And we will be free of our duties and everything we hate. Oh that is a dream come true!" Rhaena smiled.

I took their hands that were delicately resting on the small table "We will be free, I promise you."

Little did we know, we are destined for heartbreak and disaster.

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