8 - The Sorrow Under The Weirwood Tree

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After all the mess that had happened, my mother and brothers left for the maester to check on them. I parted from my new betrothed and left to take a bath. My hands were still tainted with my betroth's blood and so was my blue dress.

As my handmaiden Cecilia, she was a maid in Dragonstone, when we came there, mother made her my handmaiden, as she was washing, she kept comforting me. I was lying in the bath and she scrubed my dress in bowl next to the bath.

"Everything is going to be okay, princess. You took his eye, but he clearly forgave you." She said. "Well, just because he wanted me next to him, doesn't mean he forgives me, Cecilia." "Yes, but no boy holds your hand and looks at you like that, if they hold grunges." She told me out of breath. She was much older than me, so she knew a lot more about boys than I did.

I stayed silent after that. I was thinking about what had happened. I did a horrible thing to Aemond and now he's going to be my husband. It all felt strange, but people don't really care how you feel.

When I was all cleaned up, I went to see my mother. We will leave, most likely, although now I didn't even know. I was going to marry Aemond, so I will most likely go to Kings Landing with him. I hated Kings Landing, I wanted to go to Dragonstone, I wanted to go home.

"Jaerionna, here you are." My father said. I was his favourite, everyone knew that. His little girl, whatever I wanted I got. I smiled at him. "Hello, father." "I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. Now look what happened, you are going to marry that prince. My little girl, will be taken from me." I hugged him. "Don't worry father, I will never leave you!" But it wasn't true, soon I will be ripped away from my family and be stripped of any bond I have with them.

A maid entered the room we were in. "Princess, the queen would like to see you." I turned to my father with fear in my eyes. Who knew what the queen would do to me now. She was disgusted by me and what I did, but now she will also be my mother in law. My father looked at me with pity in his eyes and put his hand on my shoulder. "You should go."

And so I went. The maid led me to the queen's chamber. The queen was sitting there on an armchair, but she wasn't alone. Aegon, Aemond and Helaena were there too. I looked at Aemond and he smiled at me. He was wearing a bandage to cover his scar, so half of of his face was invisible.

"My queen." I bowed. "Come on child. Do you know what will happen now?" The queen asked in a rude tone. "I'm not sure. Most likely I will go to Kings Landing and live there with you." I answered.

Alicent looked at me and stood up. She smiled wickedly. If I was going to Kings Landing it meant that I will always be next to her, she will be able to control my whole life. She will ruin my life for what I did.

She walked closer to me and whispered. "Yes, you will be coming with us. Kings Landing will be your new home, for some time. But princess Rhaenyra couldn't stand the thought of you being torn away from her. So we made a compromise. You will live in Kings Landing for three moons and then you'll go to Dragonstone, you'll live in Dragonstone for three moons and so on and on." She looked down on me. I was quite happy. I loved Dragonstone and now, I will be able to live there too.

"We are leaving before dusk. You don't have a dragon, so you will come with me and sail to Kings Landing in a boat." The queen informed. "Now you can go, pack your things. Your handmaiden will come with us." "Thank you, my queen." I bowed.

I left quickly and went to my rooms. Cecilia was already informed of us leaving to Kings Landing and she packed everything. She told me that my mother will send us more things from Dragonstone. I went to my mother and brothers.

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